Breakfast Troubles

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Louisa's p.o.v

Walking to where I smell the food I see Yuuta preparing the bowls, but I'm guessing he heard me coming as he says "care to help me get these out there??" I nod my head. Grabbing a bowl I balance it on my head as I grab two more "you are very confident, Louisa." I hum out "mmm hmm" then he carries two bowls as I follow him towards a different room. When I'm in there I see Yoshi and Saki at different ends of the small table as Kash and Haven are looking uncomfortable. "It's the most important meal of the day, serving it to you.. our way~" I sing out and walk over to Yoshi.

He chuckles as he grabs the bowl from my hand, looks like everyone already has silverware, so I just need to give these other two out. Setting one down in front of Saki I set a different one down in front of Haven as Yuuta sets one down in front of Kash. They all began eating as Yuuta tries to give me that bowl of oatmeal, so I put my hands up. "You must eat too, Yuuta, I can get myself another bowl" I say and start walking back to the kitchen. Seeing another bowl that just got left behind I smile softly, grab it, then walk back to where we're eating.

When I walked in I could see Yuuta's smirk as I sit down between Yoshi and Kash saying "you knew I'd give you that one. Didn't you??" He takes a bite of his oatmeal saying "I have no idea what you are talking about." Yoshi chuckles saying "father, always full of surprises" after that he glared at Saki.. 'if looks could kill. Also, now I know why it was awkwardly quiet when we walked in' I had realization hit me. After the quiet breakfast, Haven finished her bowl first as she goes to bring it to the kitchen.

"No need to bring that to the kitchen, Haven... it's my turn to wash the dishes, just set that in the middle of the table, I'll bring them all in when we're done." Haven hesitantly nods as she sets her bowl back down, then she walks out, then Kash finished. He set his bowl down and walked after Haven, Yuuta was taking his sweet time, but he just finished. After he walked away that only left me, Yoshi and Saki... I tried to avoid eye contact with them. "So, are you finally going to tell me??" Yoshi asks as we continue to eat the oatmeal.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Yoshi" Saki answers, so I hear Yoshi say "you already know what I mean, brother." 'Man, I hate that I eat so slow... despite how hungry I am' I think as I continue to eat my food. Saki finished and loudly put his bowl with the rest, then he glares at Yoshi as he walks away. Yoshi sighs and finally finished "I'm sorry you had to witness that, Louisa" Yoshi apologizes. I shake my head as I finally finish too saying "it's no problem, I've witnessed worser sibling fights."

Yoshi nods once in understanding as he grabs my empty bowl, then he starts to carry them, so I smirk a bit and put my hair in a lazy ponytail. Following after Yoshi I playfully elbow him as I grabbed the bowls saying "I can help you." He chuckles saying "no need, it's such an easy task, I can do it myself, Louisa" I shake my head. "Stuff gets done faster, and it's even more fun!" I say and grab a rag as I get it wet with water. Yoshi smiles as he does the same, we're cleaning as I get a childish idea, getting my hand wet I flick water at his face.

He flinched a bit and smirked, with that we started to flick the other with water... at least we finished the dishes already. Then he stopped as he says "okay, I need to get back to training" his attitude definitely changed. I flinch a little as we dry our faces off and walk towards the dojo to see Saki with Yuuta waiting. Yuuta looks at me saying "can you get those wooden swords in that closet, Louisa?" I nod my head. Walking to the closet I grab the swords and throw one to both Saki and Yoshi as they look angry.

I walk over to sit down next to Yuuta as he finally says "hajime" then the two began to fight, this is more intense than a Leo and Raph fight. "I saw you with her last night in the woods, brother, what did you say to Shen?!" Yoshi asks angered. 'Well, the cat's out of the bag now' I think as I watch in fear for the two as they continued to fight. Saki ended up having both swords as he says "what concern is it of yours, Yoshi?" "Shen is my concern, Saki." Swords were being swung as Yoshi dodged and that's when the fight started to get a bit petty.

When I seen them jumping towards the other - I couldn't help it, I growl and kick Saki back as I punch Yoshi's chest, they're both down now. The brothers are looking at me shocked as I hold my hands, which are now hiding in the sleeves of my kimono. As they're also breathing hard, Saki screams as he stands up and goes for the wooden sword. I huff and kick his head up and kick the swords across the room Yuuta stands up saying "end this now. You are brothers, act like brothers" then he closed the doors as he's out of this room now.

Yoshi and Saki look at me confused "where did you learn to defend yourself like that??" Yoshi asks, so I look away "a sensei that is a father figure taught me. Yuuta is not wrong though, quit acting like children!" They just glare at the other, so I sigh. "I'm going out for a walk, come find me when you're both men again" I say and walk out. With that I go back to that trail where I found Tang Shen walking, when I found her walking my way. She notices me and says "oh, it is you, the girl who found me last night with her friends."


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


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