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Louisa's p.o.v

I can hear Donnie's stomach grumble, so I stop eating as I spit out the pit and smile up at Donnie "hungry?" I ask and hold out some cherries. He smiles and accept them "thanks, honeybee" "stop hogging the berries!" Haven and Kash started fighting. Sighing I just lay back and look up at the sky "here has an even better view than what we have at home." Donnie nods and puts his arm around my waist as my head is on his plastron, but Leo finally broke up Kash and Haven's fight. "Knock it off you two, I'll gather more berries in a second, we need more wood for the fire anyways."

Kash crossed his arms as he sits by Raph, trying to stay away from Haven, but she just chuckles and goes to annoy Kash some more. Mikey groans scared Haven since it kind of came out of nowhere as he says "we haven't had any real food in days." That's when I was about to point out a constellation when the sound of something scared me. I shriek and accidentally shot ice at Raph's foot, he groans saying "aw, come on!" So I apolgoize. Kash rolls his eyes as he warms up his hands, setting them on Raph's feet until the ice melted.

Raph's eyes widen "how are your hands so much like a personal heater??" He asks and looks like he's getting so comfy he could sleep. Donnie and I look down at Mikey as he says "a turtle can't live on berries alone, bros. I'm feeling weak-" Mikey tried to get to Raph for comfort, but he groaned and pushed him away. "Is Renet ever gonna find us and bring us home??" Haven finally asks out as she sits by the fire. Raph then says "seriously, I hate time travel" Leo finally got back and hands the berries to Haven.

Then he set some wood into the fire as he says "I've been giving it some thought" Leo puts his hands out to warm himself up a bit. "Kind of seems more than just coincidence we're here, right?" Leo asks while looking at Raph. Donnie sits up and lands on the ground, so I stand by him as he says "well, the odds we're in this exact time and place by sheer accident is-" "like 879 quintillion to 1." Donnie glares at Kash for him saying the fact, but I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "But if we're here for a reason... what is it??" I ask to get us back on topic before Kash and Donnie argue.

We're all thinking as I look out into the woods saying "I... kind of need a walk" Kash says "I'm coming with you-" "not without me you are." Leo looks at us a bit annoyed saying "okay, but don't be gone for too long, we don't want you getting lost." I nod my head as I start walking to nowhere in particular, but Kash and Haven are by my side. "Seriously, where are we going?" Haven asks as she takes out the braids that are in her hair. Sighing I say "I don't really know, but I'm just letting my feet guide me" I start to undo my braids too.

That's when I noticed there's a bridge, on that bridge looks like it's Yoshi and... I gasp and take a step back as I look at them shocked. Kash looks at me worried "what? What is it??" He looks at where I'm looking and got confused. Haven is the one who figured it out "is that...?" I shake a bit saying "Tang Shen... oh my gosh. This is still getting too real" Kash puts his hand on my shoulder as we just watch them from here. That's when Kash looks at my hair saying "okay, your hair is way too wavy" I roll my eyes playfully.

Shen's words can be heard from here "ninjas have no place in this world!" My jaw dropped at that, but I adjust my glasses before I could cry. "Shen! Let me walk you home" Yoshi says, somehow not seeing us, but Shen refused. "I can take care of myself" Shen answers as she starts walking and she adds "I always have." Haven put her hand over her mouth as I'm guessing she tried not to say "burn", so Kash hit her arm. Shen noticed us as she gasps "children? In the woods at night?? What are you-" "just walking around, that's all."

She looks at me confused, so Kash says "we kind of went on a walk earlier, but it took us a while to find where we were taken in." Shen looks back at the dojo and sighs "don't let me stop you from going home" she answers. As she starts walking Haven says "can we actually walk you home?? There have been rumors of yokai being out tonight." Shen looks back at us shocked, but she nods her head "I could use the company" so I smile at this. We start walking, I look at little Karai and smile at her "aw, she's so cute.. can I hold her?" I ask.

Shen nods and we stop for a second, she hesitantly put the baby in my arms as she's sleeping soundly, we start walking again. Kash guides me as I smile at baby Karai 'despite everything you've done... I still see you as a sister.' Tears started to prick my eyes as Haven looks at me confused for my tears, so I whisper "I'll explain later." Shen was smiling at me, but I hear Raph and Mikey arguing, so we all look down to see them fighting. My eyes widen 'ruh roh' I think as Shen holds me by my shoulders, I held baby Karai closer out of instinct.

Baby Karai starts crying, so Shen held me closer saying "yokai!" The cries got louder as I see Mikey and Raph stand back up. Leo walks towards us saying "it's okay, it's okay, we're not gonna hurt you" Mikey smiles at this. Raph then adds "yeah, we're friendly yokai" Mikey got close as he says "check out the cute eyes." Kash pushed them back saying "you're only gonna make this worse!" Shen didn't hear that though. Baby Karai is still crying as I start to rock her softly to get her to stop, it actually worked.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now