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Louisa's p.o.v

That's when we hear footsteps, well, Shen and I did at least, so she grabs Kash and Haven by their shoulders saying "look out." Then we duck as Saki jumps from above and slashes his sword to scare the guys away from us. My eyes widen as I try to think of a way out of this, but Shen pulls us to stay by her as she stays behind Saki. He walks towards a tree as he stabs his sword through it, then he pushed Raph down to the ground. "Fear not, Shen and children, I will destroy these wretched monsters" Saki says and aims his sword at Raph's head.

I gasp as I turn my gaze away to not see this, but I hear some type of clang, so I open an eye to peek at what's going on. Kash puts his hand on my shoulder saying "I'll explain later" I nod my head as I feel like this is bad. Saki walked towards somewhere, but I hear something get cut, it's hard to see, but I hear a tree fall. Sighing softly I look down at baby Karai and smile softly at her, that's when she starts crying again. I say "hey baby... look at this" she opens her eyes as I start making some goofy faces.

She giggles as she just claps her hands a bit, so I smile softly at this, but I see Saki walking over to us "are you all alright??" Saki asks. Shen answers with "yes, thanks to you" Saki looks more at Shen saying "I would never let anything hurt you." I just look down at little baby Karai as she starts to fall asleep in my hold, Haven smiles softly too. Saki then says "I overheard your conversation with Yoshi" my eyes widened at this. Looking up at him I see him looking at Shen as he says "it is futile, you know, he will never leave the clan."

Shen holds her hands out for her baby, so I gently set her back in her arms as she says "perhaps you speak the truth." Saki's words made me feel a bit creeped out "Shen, take me back, I will help you take care of Miwa. We will go to New York together, the three of us" Kash and Haven look at me worriedly. I shrug my shoulders at this, but Saki makes Shen look at him as he says "I am a different man than the one you once knew. Believe me" then he kissed her forehead, so I tried to not gag at that, but I see her smile.

Then she finally walks away, so Saki looks down at us with a small smile "let's get you three to bed" with that he motions for us to walk ahead of him. So we hesitantly do and walk back to the dojo, but when we're in there we start getting ready for sleep. I sigh as I look in the mirror, my hair is wavy, but I set my glasses down just to hear a knock. "Who is it??" I ask quietly to hear Kash say "it's me... Haven's here too, can we come in?" I smile. "Go ahead" once the words left my mouth Kash and Haven walk in instantly and close the door quietly.

"This is bad... we're interfering with the time line! Saki just saved Shen from being attacked, and she smiled at his offer... smiled!" Kash whispers upset. Haven just looks at us confused "so?? What's wrong if we interfere with time??" I look at her annoyed. "Oh, you have never dealt with time, when you change the past, it alters the future. If Shen doesn't choose Yoshi, then no fight happens, and Yoshi doesn't go to New York. He wouldn't get four baby turtles and raise them as his own, until they got mutated."

Haven's eyes widened as she says "this is bad, this is so bad" I nod my head "we'll have to think about this in the morning. Let's get some-" a knock on my door interrupted my whispering "who is it??" I ask quietly. "Yoshi, may I come in??" Yoshi says quietly, so I look at Kash and Haven, they nod once, so I say "yes." Yoshi walks in and sees Kash and Haven first "I was wondering if we could speak alone, Louisa." I look back at Kash and Haven as they nod once, and they left, so I look up at Yoshi.

"Is something wrong, Yoshi??" I ask and gesture for him to sit down on a pillow, he does, so I sit down in front of him on a pillow. "You heard what Saki said to Shen, yes??" Yoshi asks, so I look down nervously, not knowing what to say. Yoshi snapped his fingers quietly to make me look up at him, so I do to see his angered face. "What got said??" He whisper asks angered, so I jumped a bit at his tone and sigh at his actions. "It's not really my story to tell, Yoshi-" "Louisa, tell me right now!" Yoshi quietly scolds me.

'Okay, he's never talked to me this way before... it's kind of scary' I think as I feel myself tear up and I scoot away a bit. Yoshi sighs and runs his hand over his face a bit "I am sorry, I.. just love Shen so much, and I do not want to lose her." Nodding in understanding I say "then I suggest you ask Shen yourself, or go to Saki, Yoshi." He looks at me and softly smiles, nodding once he stands up and pats my head before he walks out. Once the door closed I sigh in relief as I start to get the "bed" ready for me to sleep now.

Setting my glasses down where no one will step on them I finally start to get some much needed sleep...

-time skip to the morning-

The smell of food got to me, it might not be your regular over the top breakfast, but the smell made my stomach grumble. Smiling I sit up and stretch as I wipe the sleepiness out of my eyes, then I see another kimono set out for me. There's a note on it though, picking it up I read it "'Louisa, I have taken the liberty to get you another outfit for today. Hope you enjoy oatmeal; I'm making it for breakfast ~Yuuta'" I smile big at that and change quickly. Grabbing my glasses I walk out to see that I am basically the last one to wake up out of us all.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now