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Louisa's p.o.v

I smile softly and nod once saying "watashi no name Louisa desu" she smiles saying "Tang Shen" I nod at that and look at baby Karai. She's looking at me as she does grabby hands, so Shen laughs a little saying "Miwa likes you." I smile and say "I always am good with children" Shen holds Miwa out to me, so I gently hold her. She starts to tug on my hair a bit, so I say "okay, no... no, that's not a toy" but she doesn't stop. I adjusted to the tugging as Shen said she'd take me back to her place, so I walk with her.

After we talked a bit as we walked we basically got ambushed by the guys, first by Raph and Donnie as Raph says "Tang Shen." Shen gasps and grabs my shoulder as she pulls me to run the other way, but Leo got in our way. "Tang Shen! Hold on" Leo says as Shen looks over at Donnie as he says "we come in peace." I smile softly and say "hey Don Don" he waves slightly with a blush, but Kash whispers something to Mikey. He nods and gets in front of me a little and starts to dance while humming the shows theme song.

(Can we just appreciate this video?? As Mikey is dancing, Shen is trying to get an answer for why he's even doing that. Leo is also basically thinking 'bruh' 😂)

Miwa starts to try and do jazz hands like how Mikey just did, but she was laughing a little as I actually start laughing at that dance. I was laughing so hard that I teared up a bit, Shen finally took her hand off of my shoulder. "Oh" Shen says as she seen us laugh, but Haven walks up to us saying "it's okay, Tang Shen." Mikey nods and says "we promise we won't hurt you" "are you aliens, or yokai?" Shen asks. Donnie and I both say "we're/they're friendly yokai, Shen" we share a look as Donnie finished "we need to talk to you."

Finally we were able to get to her home, but Miwa started to annoy me as she's pulling on my hair, so I fake a smile saying "okay. Who else wants to hold a bundle of joy??" Leo looked at Shen, wondering if it'd be okay. She nods as I finally hand Miwa over to Leo, but she still had my hair in her left hand as she has Leo's mask tails in her right. Shen starts to explain her story a bit saying "I was raised in Fukuoka, but my grandfather is Chinese." As she explains this Miwa starts pulling on both my hair and Leo's mask tails, so we're basically butting heads.

Shen continues saying "I moved here to be closer to Yoshi" Mikey biting the counter caught everyone's attention though. Haven flicked the back of his head saying "stop", but Shen says "I've heard yokai are always hungry. That's why I made a meal all kappas love" "kappa? What's a kappa??" Leo asks as we're still butting heads. Shen explains it to us saying "turtle yokai, and your favorite food is cucumber, at least that's what the legends say." Kash nods his head at that, but takes some of the cucumber as he's hungry too, but Mikey didn't like this.

"Cucumber? Little known fact, our favorite food is pizza, thick crust, thin crust, no crust, hook a turtle up!" Mikey says and grabs Shen's shoulders. She's still smiling as she says "my grandmother told me the story of a kappa that came out of the river as a young girl was fetching water. The kappa terrified her, but the girl always carried cucumbers with her to ward off yokai, the kappa was so thankful, it told her of a great hurricane that would devastate her village. It saved her people" I'm guessing Leo finally got Miwa to sleep since we're not butting heads now. I sneak my hair out of her hands as I say "that's right, and we wanna save you Tang Shen."

Raph nods saying "she took the words out of my mouth" Kash then adds "that's why these kappa have come to talk. They also bring, uh...-" "dire news" Donnie finished for Kash, so Leo says "you can't leave Hamato Yoshi. He's a good man, Oroku Saki is evil" Shen shakes her head as she looks down saying "no. Saki is a good man" I shake my head saying "if you choose Saki, the world itself could be at risk." Donnie nods his head saying "she's right, take it from us, the Kappa Brothers" I laugh a little "that's a weird name."

I got hit upside the head, so I glare at Haven as Raph is also behind us as he hits us both upside the head "quit it, you two." Shen just looks down at Miwa saying "Yoshi is too dedicated to ninjutsu to raise a family." Mikey is eating the cucumber as he says "that's not true, Splinter loves little Miwa. She's so cute" that's when I hear something get spat out as Haven yelped a bit in shock. Then something hit the top of my head, so without looking I hold my hand out and catch it.

Blinking in surprise I look back to see Raph trying not to chuckle at this, but Haven is trying to wash her face as Leo is looking down at Miwa. Shen just says "I don't know who I will choose, I must do what's right for my daughter." Raph pushed past me to look Shen in the eyes saying "follow your heart, Shen. You know who the better man is" from here I can tell that she actually got touched by Raph's words. She chose not to show it though "please, let me get you some more cucumbers."

Donnie was shocked as he says "um, Leo" then he holds out a picture that we took who knows how long ago... I'm still there, but Baxter and April are gone. 'Does that mean even if they haven't met April, they'd still have met me??' I think confused. "What's the plan now?" Donnie asks, so Leo looks up at Donnie saying "the only noble thing we can do is finish Shredder. Once and for all" 'okay, no! I'll keep an eye on Saki to see what happens throughout our planning.' We talked over the plan, Kash, Haven and I would keep an eye on Saki to make sure he does no trouble.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now