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Louisa's p.o.v

Walking out I see Kash waiting for us, but he was looking down at the floor until he seen me, his eyes widened as his jaw dropped a little. I smile and ask "isn't it pretty??" He didn't move... at all, but we look at the door as it opened. There stood Haven as she walks out in the green kimono, I smile and nod a little "that looks nice." She smiles a little saying "thanks, I guess yours looks nice too... for purple" I roll my eyes at her. We finally walk back into the room where we seen that man that Saki called "father", but we see Yoshi talking to Saki.

My eyes widened as I smile a bit, tearing up 'Yoshi is always secretly wishing to be human again... this is just way too real.' "Your head has always been in the clouds, brother" Yoshi says and pats Saki's head teasingly. Their father just says "do not be too dismissive of the world, Yoshi, there are many dimensions. Many beings that permeate what we call reality" Yoshi bows saying "my apologies, father." With that I walk in a bit as I knock on the doorframe saying "gomennasai, but I just wanted to know your names."

Kash nods as he stands next to me saying "there's Saki-" "Yoshi" Haven interrupts as I look at Yoshi's father and say "I guess we just don't know your name." He nods once saying "you can just call me Yuuta" I smile and nod, but Kash looks at the two confused brothers. "Watashi no name Kashton desu" Kash says and bows a bit, so I smile at this and do the same. Bowing I say "watashi no name Louisa desu" Haven just says "I don't much Japanese, but I'm Haven." Yoshi smiles saying "what unique names" I smile and slightly elbow Haven saying "told you."

Yoshi just looks back at Saki saying "please, continue Saki, let us hear more of this.. interesting tale" I tried not to laugh from his tone. Haven slightly elbowed me, but Saki says "do not mock me, Yoshi, I know what I saw. And I know that I saved these children during that time" Yoshi looks at me, so I nod a little. Before I could say anything Yuuta coughs, so we look at him as he says "some legends say when the yokai arrives, tragedy is sure to follow." My eyes widen at that 'okay, freaky...' I think as I see the ninjas and Yuuta walk out and the doors closed.

Saki just says "I tell you, Yoshi, we all saw them" Yoshi answers with "it reminds me of the yokai friends we invented as children. Remember, Saki?" Since we were in the middle of the room we had to dodge their training. I helped Kash as he helped Haven, but we walked towards the open door as we just notice the guys. We clear a path so they can see what we see, but Saki says "you never listen to me, just like.. Tang Shen." Yoshi looked a bit annoyed as he says "yet again you speak of Shen?" Then Saki kicked his abdomen.

It didn't effect Yoshi as Saki continued talking "you care nothing for her.. only for the clan, only for yourself!" Then he went to kick Yoshi in the head. Yoshi ducked, swiped Saki's feet out from under him, but before he could fall he kicks his abdomen. Saki went up in the air a bit as Yoshi grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. I gasp at this just like Kash and the guys, but Haven was raising an eyebrow at those brothers. A bowl rolls around a bit until it stopped, so Kash picked it up and set it back down where it was.

Saki was supporting himself up with his hands as he's sitting down, heavily breathing, but Yoshi says "that is not true, brother." Those words earned him a glare from Saki, but he continued "I have always been there for you." Yoshi offered his hand out to Saki to help him up, but Saki only hit his hand away as he glared at him. I get pulled out along with Kash and Haven as we hear the doors close and the turtles start running. Hiding behind some trees they wait for those two to stop trying to look for us... but they'll get angry.

When they went back inside, most likely to inform Yuuta that we've been taken, the guys start running again to this part of the woods. It was close, but not a part of the forest where people would walk at night, so we should be good. Leo glares at me saying "what were you thinking?!" I just say "I couldn't escape them. I don't need the entire reality of time and space itself to know of my powers, and neither does Kash and Haven. So we couldn't really fight, we didn't have any smoke bombs to retreat, so we did our best."

Donnie was blushing as he looks at my outfit, so I playfully roll my eyes "we also got some hand-me-down clothes so we could fit in. Cool, right??" I ask as Haven furrows her eyebrows "I just wish these basically weren't dresses." Raph was staring at Haven with his jaw dropped, so Mikey waved his hand in front of his face. "Raph??" Mikey asks, so his brother finally snapped out of it as he looks away with a small blush. I smirk and try to not make a comment as I sigh and say "well, we'll be here for a while... let's get comfy."

With that we gather twigs for a fire, it took a while to find good twigs, but when we found them it took Raph a long time to even get it started. Kash smirks and used his finger to shoot a bit of fire at the twigs, so the fire finally caught on. Raph rolls his eyes saying "show off" Kash just chuckles as we gather around the fire, trying to keep warm. "Shouldn't we have gotten food??" I ask as my stomach grumbles "that was Mikey's job" Leo informs me. Mikey hands me a handful of cherries, so I smile big as I sit by Donnie on the tree and start eating.


Okay that's it for now my turtle-lovers~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter again soon!


TMNT 2012 Tale of the Yokai (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now