Angel's Landing

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Angel's Lament

Hello and Welcome to another Chapter of Angel's Lament. Today we continue with the Imperials as they search for a more permanent place to stay. What will they find? What will they do? And what are their plans? Let's find out in this Chapter...

Chapter Nine: Angel's Landing

It had been almost two months since the Imperial Armada had crashed into their new reality, and much had happened in that time. They had United behind a common cause and nominated a leader for their mission. They were now aware of their fate and the universe they had been sent to. They had grown in strength, bolstered by the arrival of the Thetrian Refugee Fleet, and their Chartist Allies. The sense of a shared fate had become established between all these groups as they readied to undertake their task.

This led to an even stronger belief in one another, for if they had all been given this mission by the Emperor Himself, then he must have chosen them for their Nobility and Loyalty to Him, meaning The Emperor Himself believed that they were able to complete his task. This has led to the whole Armada creating and signing what they had now coined 'The Angel's Manifest' a document entailing that all who signed it were willing to do whatever it took to see the Emperor's Dream made real.

The Armada had then quickly finished all the repairs and other preparations for the fleet to be ready for war. During all this work the Librarium and Mechanicus have toiled to learn all they could on where they were, and where they needed to go first. They had learned the Armadas basic position in comparison to some of the major places of the galaxy, finding out that they lay only a few day's journey away from the once Quarian and Citadel border located near what was now the Geth Empire. This had turned out to be something of a blessing though as this had shown them the path they needed to take to get to where they were needed.

After learning their location they had set to work on learning what the galactic map looked like. Though they only were able to create half of it. Because they could only assume borders and strategic points, but to get more information they would need to get access to this galaxies information network, the so-called 'Extranet.' This task had proven more difficult to accomplish than Antros had originally expected. At first, the plan had been to simply hijack an extranet relay tower and scour it for as much information as possible. But this plan had become far more complicated when the Scout Ships reported that all of the closest relays had already been hacked into by other groups, some they had never heard about like a group called the 'Eclipse,' while the rest were commandeered by the Geth.

When the scouts had attempted to remove or bypass the preexisting information blockers they had nearly been found accidentally triggering some internal failsafe. It wouldn't have been a true problem if they had been seen, the Scout ships, even though relatively ill-equipped for fighting were still more than able to take on two or more of this galaxy's puny warships. But that would result in them being discovered, which could not happen, yet. They still needed to prepare and learn scores more before they were ready to enter the light of day and be seen by their enemies.

Antros had resolved to move the whole fleet to a more abandoned area of space that was close enough to Citadel space to still gather as much intelligence on them as possible. They had ended up going deeper into the Terminus Systems, though they didn't yet know its name. Eventually, after 2 weeks of scouting and planning, they got lucky. They found a Relay that had yet to be hijacked by one of this galaxy's plethora of scum and cretins. The Relay had turned out to be damaged, hence why it had been ignored by all else. Though the Tech-Priest quickly commandeered its signal and used it to gather as much information as they could. It took only an hour for the galaxy's most relevant data to be combed through by the cadre of Mechanicus Adepts, but what it found was well worth all the wait.

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