Angel Wrath Part III

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Angels Lament

Hello there and thank you for taking the time to read today's chapter of Angels Lament, I hope it is able to at the very least entertain you and give you a fun little pass time if nothing else. I hope to be able to get the next chapter out in the following two weeks so here's to hoping that time table remains accurate.

Chapter 23: Angel Wrath Part III

Antros had been prepared for when the Mortal Commander activated the emergency processors, and because of his preparation, he had been able to shut the valves before they unleashed their harvesting chemicals. This allowed Antros's brothers to secure and save each person with the right amount of care. With Ancient Moriar himself joined in on the heroics as he saved a mortal child from the ensnarement of the Collector's Cells.

The sight of the mighty and rightly feared Dreadnought dotting over a mortal child bringing a smirk to Antros's face as he observed the scene. But the smile quickly faded as Antros looked upon the prone form of Commander Shepard, the 'Citadel Hero' being revived by the apprentice Medicae. The Commander was coming around but she was still delirious, the poor woman mumbled incoherent nonsense as the Medicae saw too her.

The Commander's beloved had finally been freed as well from his cell, and though Antros was no Apothecary, he could see the man was in dire straits. His lower body exposed as his armor had been burned off by the volatile chemicals. The skin that had made contact with the Collector's fluid looking as though it had been dumped into a chemical vat.

The worst damage had been done to the man's legs, with his feet barely recognizable as having once been fully formed appendages. While his upper leg was less damaged it was still in terrible condition, the skin looking tender even from where Antros stood. Sanguinary Priest Albinus was tending to the poor man and doing his best to stabilize him, the Apothecary administering bio-boosters and bandaging the soldier's legs.

As Antros watched his brothers and the mortals work he thought about what he had let occur, his thoughts clouded by emotion he knew not what to do with. 'I feel regret for causing his maiming, but it was not a pointless occurrence. I made Shepard panic so deeply so that when she recovers and sees what she caused she might understand what her uncontrolled feelings will cause, but on an even greater scale than this. While yes I could have saved the Mortal from his injuries this would have made my actions without purpose. But with his great wounds Shepard will learn her mistake. Though I will have to live with the weight of his maiming, as I live with all of my decisions that result in such suffering, at least with his suffering others will not have to suffer even worse fates.'

Antros's grime thoughts of reflection were cut short as the voice of Brother Donotriel called for him over the Vox. "Chief Librarian, Squad Beltos reports success in their Primary Mission Objective, they are now moving for extraction on the Northside Hangar Bay, where Squadron Helios will pick them up."

Antros nodded somewhat absent-mindedly, but he understood what was being said to him.

Donotriel continued a moment later, his voice more direct. "Should we see the Mortals to safety or leave them to get back to their vessel?"

Antros let out a heavy sigh as he set his thought to the side, after a second he answered his voice neutral. "We will safeguard the Mortals. I still sense something hunts them here."

The lively voice of Lieutenant Tolmeron entered the Vox then. "Then should we not search out these would-be predators? Surely that would ensure these mortals survive while allowing us to return to The Angel's Retribution all the sooner."

Antros answered quickly enough his words carrying his mind's foresight. "They will come to us, it is merely a matter of waiting for them. But In the meantime Brother Lieutenant, you may have your squad watch the entrances once the last of the mortals are freed."

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