Shock Upon a Shepard

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Angel's Lament

Hello And Thank You for clicking on the latest chapter of Angel's Lament. I hope you are doing alright especially with all the seeming chaos going on in the world, but let's not dwell on thoughts like that and let's have some entertainment, or at least I hope you can find this chapter entertaining if you don't I'm sorry hopefully I can interest you more next time. But enough talk from me and my stupid thoughts, let us get into the Chapter...

Chapter Twelve: Shock Upon a Shepard

What Shepard had found at Horizon was entirely unexpected. She had been prepared for a brutal fight for the sake of the colony. Yet what she found wasn't a colony in the midst of an invasion with Collectors swarming from every direction and her attempting to save what remained, instead she found a colony getting back on its feet after a horrible attack. Jane expected to have to fight tooth and nail to save what few colonists remained, but instead, the colony had been saved and the Collectors defeated. But what was troubling Jane now was who had saved the colony? Since she knew that no matter how brave the militia stood no chance, and there was no way any Systems Alliance navy vessels could have gotten there before the Normandy.

Shepard had yet to even step foot on Horizon and she was already confused and filled with questions on what had happened. Currently, Jane was standing behind Joker as he steered the Normandy in for a landing at the local terminal. Joker was currently in the midst of arguing with EDI about the flight path he had chosen from upper orbit but Shepard was too concentrated on the sight that lay before her, in the center of the cockpit window, three Collector ships, looming over the small colony of Horizon like malevolent deities. But the majority of their intimidating power was now lost as Jane observed the heavy damage having been dealt to them. Giant plumes of smoke billowed out of the tops of the three ships like the old fashion coal factories of the earth like she had seen in old movies.

After a moment Jane finally peeled her attention from the defeated behemoth ships and looked back to her pilot. Joker was staring right at her as if expecting her to answer a question he had just asked.

Jane for her part looked back at Joker, and asked him to repeat himself. "What was it that you needed, Joker?"

"Oh, nothing but the fact that we need to seriously shut down this stupid vending machine her that is trying to tell me how to pilot MY ship!" Exclaimed Joker pointing to the holographic orb that indicated EDI's presence with them.

"Hey, It's My ship actually Joker." Responded Shepard with a smile finding its way on her lips as she spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it is, but I'm the only one who can pilot her right. So can you please tell this tin can to stop questioning my every move and navigational decision." Said Joker glaring daggers at the holographic form of EDI.

"Alright, Joker I hear you. EDI would it be too hard to let him pilot without distractions from you?"

The AI responded in her usual calm and feminine voice, though despite it coming from an artificial source Jane swore she could EDI's reluctance at agreeing. "I suppose that my distractions could technically lead to more chance of Mr. Moreau erroring due to being startled or angered. So I will agree to leave most of the navigational decision up to Mr. Moreau, but I will still question his choices if they appear to be wholely impossible or dangerous to the health and safety of the Normandy's crew."

"Thank you, EDI. That sounds pretty agreeable doesn't it Joker." Said Shepard look pointedly at Joker.

Joker sighed a second later and said his tone not entirely happy. "Fine, guess it's better than before. You know she literally questioned me once if I intended to collide the Normandy into an asteroid once since she thought it was getting to close! We were like three kilometers away from it, for crying out loud!"

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