A Shepard separated from her Flock

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Angel's Lament

Thank you so much for tuning into this chapter of Angel's Lament and I hope it can properly entertain you. This chapter is mainly about Shepard's activities after her discussions with the Angels and what she's been up too.

Chapter 18: A Shepard separated from her Flock

After meeting the 'Angels' Shepard had spent a lot of time looking into possible answers for who they were and who had created them, but even with the Illusive Man's connections, they found nothing, not even long-forgotten rumors. Miranda too had had a bit of a change after meeting them. Well, she at least returned somewhat to normal, but she began spending exorbitant times in the ship's lab, to such a point Mordin began to complain about it often. Not only spending time there but she had nearly interrogated Mordin about all of what he had been able to theorize about the Angels. Though hearing his thoughts on them had only led her to take even more time in the labs as she tested things, such as the microscopic fragments from the Angels armor, the Material Mordin called 'Super Ceramic.'

Though Miranda seemed to get little in the way of any further developments besides those Mordin had already observed. Eventually, though, Shepard had been forced to ask Miranda to take her studies elsewhere, as it had begun actively interfering with Mordin's own work in searching for the Collectors. The bulk of the Salarian's research had been dealing with the Collector Swarm Drones. Which after creating a way to keep them from detecting a person to sting he had begun looking into how they were controlled. His main hope in that research had been to possibly find a way to locate the Collectors. As they knew where they were located, through the Omega 4 relay but after having been unable to secure the IFF after the Derelict Reaper had mysteriously been destroyed.

The Illusive Man had told her what had happened; he had stated how the ship had suddenly lost all its ability to suspend itself above the star, causing it to fall into the star and be destroyed. Shepard and many other people aboard the Normandy had a theory as to who had killed the derelict Reaper. Which had caused some more grief than others. Shepard had been apprehensive about going to the Reaper ship when she had learned of it so some small part of her was relieved that she no longer had to go near it but she was unhappy about how much it put a complete halt to her mission.

Others like Kaiden had reacted similarly to Shepard though he seemed more annoyed at the Angel's than Shepard was. While others like Jack and Grunt were annoyed at the interference it possessed to their hopes of getting into a good fight, though both seemed more eager to test themselves against the Angels after it. Joker kept his thoughts more to himself though he showed some gratitude towards the Angel's for them causing him not to have to fly the Normandy anywhere near a Reaper. Then Zaeed mainly made jokes about them, especially after he had heard they were human, also talking about how he wished he could have had a few of them in his old crew as he felt they would have helped in a lot of the situations he had unfortunately found himself in.

Then there was Garrus who had been in a similar mood as Kaiden when it came to the Angels. In some ways, he admitted to agreeing with many of their baser actions and how they had been even more of a nuisance to the criminal underworld than he had and how they had done it in a fraction of the time it took him. Then the other part of Garrus hated them for their brutality, their seeming aggressive feelings towards him and Mordin, and then their unwillingness to help in Shepard's mission. He had acted fairly curious though after hearing they were human, saying he bet they had been made by Cerberus, and that was why the Illusive Man was so aggressive in his search for them as he wanted his test subjects back. He cited Jack as his evidence for believing it saying. "If they can do what they did to her then they'd definitely do that to them without a second hesitation."

Though Miranda had been quick to defend the Illusive Man and Cerberus saying that she had no evidence to show they had and that Garrus's reasons were based on his own hatred for Cerberus and not on reality. Shepard herself had been forced to order the two to stay away from one another for a while which had helped a little in cooling their tempers.

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