Openings On The Horizon, Part I

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Angel's Lament

Hello, and welcome to Chapter 10, and thank you for checking my story out, hopefully, this Chapter will be interesting to you. It's the longest chapter yet, mainly due to the action and the introduction of a few new characters and some from the games. Now with this said let the story begin...

Chapter Ten: Openings On The Horizon, Part I

Joslyn Darr woke up tired, she sluggishly made her way around her cabin room towards the kitchen. The kitchen and dining room were small, but they suited her just fine. The kitchen was also simply equipped with only a toaster, can opener, and a coffee machine. After scanning the room she made herself a quick cup of coffee to wake her up and ready for the business of the day. Joslyn was a Botanist for a hydroponics farm not that far from her house. She quickly chugged down the last of her coffee and went back to her room, where she took a fast shower and got dressed for work. After making sure her hair was put up into a neat bun she finally went to wake up the cabin's other inhabitant.

Joslyn opened the door to the small house's second bedroom. She opened it and looked inside. On the bed sat a small little boy staring intently at his Omnitool. The wrist strap barely fit the boy's tiny arm, the boy used his second hand to keep the Omnitool steady. Even after Joslyn coughed in an attempt to get the child's attention he remained completely focused on the holographic screen in front of him.

Joslyn gave a smile and moved deeper into the room, ensuring to stay in front of the boy. The child finally acknowledged Joslyn's existence when she sat at the base of the bed. The boy quickly raised his head to look his mother in the eye. His eyes were cobalt blue with a questioning nature apparent in them. The child was skinny, nearing an unhealthy amount but just barely above a detrimental level. He was dressed in an old pair of Star Wars pajamas. The colors on them heavily faded, to the degree that Luke Skywalker's face on the shirt was near indiscernible from the background.

Joslyn spoke when she was seated, her voice was soft and kind but with a slight serious edge. "How long have you been awake Tobi?"

Tobi was silent a moment as if he was formulating an excuse. "I had to see what was happening in the galaxy." Was what he finally said his voice attempting to excuse what he was doing.

Joslyn chuckled and ruffled the hair on Tobi's head, the boy giggling, Joslyn then saying. "Of course you were, Tobi. You're just like your dad."

Tobi's face went stiff and then sad. "I miss him." Said Tobi, a moment later. For a ten-year-old boy, the memories of his father were still vivid, even though he was taken from them five years ago.

Joslyn pulled her son into a hug giving him a kiss on the forehead before saying. "I know you do, baby." Joslyn then mouthed what she said next hoping Tobi wouldn't hear her. "I miss him too."


After another hour Joslyn had gotten Tobi ready for the day, and had prepared a real breakfast for the both of them, pancakes and hashbrowns. Joslyn helped Tobi get his shoes on and with that, they were out the door. The world outside was bright and beautiful, Trees dispersed between colonist houses. The sun shone high in the sky indicating the time was near seven in the morning, as Horizons rotation was faster than earths by a few hours it caused the sun to be higher in the sky by mid-morning.

Joslyn took only a moment to look around before she led Tobi down the stairs and up the sidewalk. It was a short commute to Tobi's School, the School was called the "Lamb's Cradle." Tobi was harder to convince than usual to go into the School, but after Joslyn promised that she'd see him soon and that after school they would go and get some lunch from her favorite Restaurant, Tobi acquiesced. But before he went inside he asked his mom how long she would be. When Joslyn told him her usual time of 3:55 Tobi became extra nervous as if he was scared to be away from her that whole time.

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