Den of Angels

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Angel's Lament

This is a chapter I wanted to do and I've had a few people request so I decided to have it happen now as a bit of a 'and time passes' segment of sorts. So if this isn't appealing to you sorry, but hopefully I can get you entertained next time as I hope to have another sort of time passing segment as I'd like things to begin to 'heat up' at least a little for now. Now let's begin...

Chapter 17: Den of Angels

Angel's Landing had truly prospered under the watchful eye of House Bellerophon and the Blood Angels. Now it was truly a city worth the Emperor's Grace, with massive city buildings of all types. While surrounding the city ran several miles of farmland and defensive installations like trenches and bunkers. While a little distance after that lay on three of the entrances to the valley massive fortresses built to Imperial Standards and ready to push back any attackers that dared threaten their fair city. As well with the aid of the Jokaero the Mechanicus Adepts, the ones willing to work with the aliens, had created plasma generators that could power the whole city while giving off nearly no radioactive pollution meaning that their dear city was not destined to die the slow death of most Hive Cities of their empire.

Also within the valley were the personal fortresses of each of the primary forces active in their new colony. With the Blood Angels Fortress Monastery, now named the Fortress of Hope by the civilians of Angel's Landing in the northern quadrant. And the Lamenters Fortress Monastery, the Fortress of Tears, as they had named it after the tragedy that had occurred before their entry to this new reality, which rested to the south of the city and passed the fields of crops. Then there was the Knight Citadel for House Bellerophon, which itself took up nearly three kilometers, though most of it had been dug out from the mountain range behind it, which was situated on the eastern side of the city overlooking the fields as well. Then finally there was the Harakoni Warhawks command center and primary barracks which sat snuggly in between two mountains on the west side of the city ready to send forth its guardsmen in the defense of the city.

Then there was the city itself, with four major roads running directly to each of the fortresses from the center of the city. At the dead center of the city laid the primary bunker for holding the civilians in case of the colony's attack. Though for now it sat mainly empty only filled with hibernating servitors and a few dozen menial workers who kept the medical and food rations stockpiled and categorized for when they would need to be relied upon. The City was separated into four sections connected by numerous roads on the ground, suspended in the air, and dug underneath the ground, all of these routes allowing for more than enough movement of supplies and personnel.

In the Northwest section, it was mainly dedicated to housing and the Arbites forces. With more than 67% of the cities, civilians were housed in that one area. To oblige these people this section of the city had been built to support that large amount of people while still offering them good amounts of space and ways of spending the newly minted Thrones that were being produced in one of the other sections of the city by the Mechanicus Adepts. With these new forms of currency, it allowed the civilians to barter, sell, and buy items as they could afford them.

Though there had specifically been kept out any form of a loan service and those that had attempted to start one had been severely punished to act as a deterrent for others doing the same. The way the regular people were able to make Thrones was through their jobs which paid them for every day of work, and due to the prosperity in the city, these payments were more than enough for the citizens to live off.

Then came the Northeastern section, which was mainly dedicated to manufactorums and warehouses for resources and other supplies. This was where about ⅓ of the civilians worked during both day and night cycles as both day and night shifts had begun to be scheduled allowing for a near-endless supply of raw resources to be produced. Though resources like Ceramite and Adamantium were slower to produce and could only regularly be made in specific machines in the manufactorums and those machines were already ancient and were slow to produce those resources. Though thanks to their already built up supplies and munitions they would be able to subsist on those for about twenty years of prolonged combat, and that was if they were unable to find better ways of producing those elements.

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