29 - Tensions, p2

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When she entered the Academy, the first thing Igvid noticed was the couple. Brooms in hands, they were only inches away from the other. Even if they were working – cleaning a burnt mess the dragons seemed to have caused – she could feel the chemistry in the air. There was no more tension left.

Igvid could feel the attraction in the air, and saw the glances and smiles they were sharing. It looked like there was invisible strands tying them together, waiting for the slighest sign of weakness to reunite them. It looked like they had never fought. It was even worst than before, they seemed even closer. How was this even possible ? How could Nuffink forgive Frost for cheating on him ? How could Frost convince him he had done nothing ? How did the white devil managed to turn Nuffink against her ?

The blond had not talked to her since he had blamed her for telling the others, and that had been two days ago ! He had never given her the silent treatment for that long !

And speaking about the others, Igvid noticed the hesitants looks Gorth was giving her, he seemed uneasy and disappointed. She frowned with suspicion. The tall guy quickly averted his eyes and focused back on his work, he seemed to be checking sketchings and plans with Zephyr, surely about one of her latest inventions. Igvid didn't like this look. Nuffink not talking to her, she could at least understand why, but why did Gorth seemed upset with her ?

She wanted to ask him, but she got distracted as she heard Birdlegs burst out in laughter. Her voice was mixed with another one that was really starting to get on the brunette's nerves. She looked at her blond friend and noticed she was talking and laughing with Frost, while Nuffink was next to them looking fondly at the boy. Nuffink's stare was one she was dreaming he would look at her with. So saying he adressed it to Frost, that made her want to puke.

According to her, Frost didn't deserve such a stare, he didn't even deserve Nuffink. She felt the urge to cut the boy's head clean off his shoulders. She clenched her fists and starting to stomp her way towards him, but she was stopped by a strong hold of her arm. Turning back, she met a death glare she would have never thought would come from... Zephyr. The chief's daughter was holding her arm so strongly she could have hurt her.

''Leave them alone.'' She growled lowly.

''What ?! Me letting them alone ?! Frost is the one that should leave Nuffink alone !''

''Look Igvid, Nuffink assured Frost has done nothing wrong, they made up, end of the history. I don't know what you think you saw that night nore even if you actually saw something but... just drop it, please.''

''You've got to be kidding me !''

That was all a joke, Igvid thought. She couldn't believe Zephyr was defending Frost. How did the brat managed to convince Nuffink nothing had happened with Selina ? How did he convinced Zephyr ? Was that why Gorth seemed disappointed with her ? Did this white snake managed to turn all her friends against her ? Seriously ? It was going too far, Frost was going way too far ! She had to teach him ! He had to pay !

Scandalized, the brunette tore her arm from Zephyr's grip, who glared even more at her. She also seemed disappointed. That was the worst for Igvid. Her friends being mad at her and giving her cold shoulder or silent treament, she could handle it. The feeling of disappointing them ? Not a chance.

''Why did you even say all these terrible things, Igvid ?''

''I didn't make it up ! I saw them !''

''What did you see, exactly ? Frost happens to leave the house at night to go to the beach, that we know. He still has troubles to sleep at night and it's also where he uses to meet a beluga from his home. Plus Ruffrunner is almost all the time with him, even there, they play together. It wouldn't be surprising Selina had joined them to play, since they're friends. Just friends.''

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