42 - The missing totem

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Two weeks had elasped since the dragon riders had return from the frozen lands of the north and Nuffink had fallen into routine. He was spending most of his days looking for the missing totem and, in early or late afternoon depending of the day, was visiting Frost at the cave.

The white merman was still trapped in the sea. It allowed him to spend more time with Baby Tooth and also with his father, catching up for all these years they had not spent together, and finally learning to know each other without all the social pressure on them. Frost found out his father was actually a really jolly man and liked to race as much as he did.

Now free from all his king's duties and responsabilities, Nörth was getting more himself and childish. Frost and him had never been as close as they were now, much to Baby Tooth's delight as she had now two play-mates.

Sometimes, Frost would meet Igvid in the sea. She refused to admit it, but he realised she was also looking for his totem. Weirdly, she seemed to be searching for it harder and longer than Nuffink. One day, he ended up asking her about this. Suddenly, just with a sigh, her annoyed mask fell to reveal her guilt.

''All of this is my fault. I've been selfish and stupid to attack you. I haven't realised I was hurting Nuffink too. It took a while for me to realise it, surely longer than I should have, but now I see he's happy. He's happy with you. And I want to thank you for that.''

Frost felt like he was facing a complete other person, it felt like he was finally seeing the real her, and he was moved by her words.

''It's my fault you have been taken, that you almost died and lost your totem. The least I can do is find it back for you.''

''Igvid... You're actually really nice.''

''Did you doubt that ?!'' She growled.

Her sudden change of mood made him burst out in laughter, which stunned her. Her anger died out and she pouted, trying to hide her embarrassment.

''Thank you.'' He said.

''N-No ! Don't thank me ! I tried to kill you, you can't thank me while I still have to make it up to you and-''

''I forgive you.''

''... What ?''

Igvid froze and looked at him as if he had grown a second head. He extended his hand to her, smiling, but she frowned and swatted it away. He blenched and rubbed his sore hand, wondering what had gotten on her, thought the answer came pretty soon.

''At least wait for me to find your totem.''

''I'd rather tell you this now. That way, you'll know I forgive you even if we don't find it back.''

She frowned and glared at him.

''You're weird, you know that ? I can't even see what Nuffink likes in you.''

Despite a slight hesitation, he chuckled, which ended up making her smile too.

''No, really.'' She insisted. ''You should hate me. Why would you forgive me ?''

''I'd lie if I said I wasn't scared when you threw me off this cliff.''

She winced at this, but he wasn't finished yet.

''However, I was even more scared at Sinterklass.''

He thought about it for a while, trying to find the right words to describe his feelings. Igvid was stunned by his expression. He didn't seem neither resentful, neither angry.

''After seeing all their hatred, I realised you aren't like them. You weren't angry at me, I doubt you ever were-''

''I was...'' She admitted, her voice filled of guilt.

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