28 - Tensions, p1

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The night felt like torture for Frost. He couldn't help but think back to his fight with Nuffink, thinking about what he had said, what he should have said instead, and how he could have explained things to his boyfriend. He regretted accusing him of not trusting him, he knew Nuffink had reacted like this because of what happened with Avock. It had taken the best of the viking. But Nuffink would have never reacted like this if he didn't care for Frost and wasn't afraid to loose him.

Frost regretted not telling him about Selina, even if it meant he would have betrayed her secret. Then he scolded himself for not just saying that Selina knew he was a merman, and that he didn't have clothes on only because he had turned back into one. Then he realised this wasn't enough of an explanation, because that didn't explain why Selina hadn't have clothes either.

He really was stuck in this situation. No matter how many times he would repeat to Nuffink that he didn't feel anything for Selina, how many times he would try to reassure him, it felt like Nuffink would need proof to believe him. But the only one he could give the viking was Selina's secret. It was an impass. He couldn't do anything about this.

Unable to sleep and tired of resting his head on a tear-strained pillow, he sat up. He was planing on spending the rest of the night like this, mourning and sulking, but Ruffrunner had other plans. Seeing his rider was awake, the dragon got up and pushed him with his scaly head, trying to make him get up too. The dragon knew he was dejected, and he hoped he knew the perfect way to get him back to his usual good mood.

So he forced the boy to get up, then pushed him outside of the hutt. He really had to push him several times to make him follow, leading him to the beach so they could play with Baby Tooth and Selina. Ruffrunner knew that his rider was always happy to see the beluga, and he had to admit he liked her too. Their games were funny even if he was a bad swimer. When they finally reached the beach, Selina and Baby Tooth were there, swimming, playing and laughing, but Frost wasn't in the mood for either of the three.

Ruffrunner ran as soon as he spotted the white beluga and jumped into the water, splashing Selina and her. Both started to play fight, the mermaid laughed but her smile dropped as she saw Frost. His eyes were puffy and red, his face paler than usual, even his hair seemed dull, and he looked sad.

''Wow, you look awful... Are you okay ?''

''No... To be honest, I didn't want to come, tonight, Ruffie dragged me here.''

Selina bit her lips, she didn't know if she had to laugh at the joke or feel bad for her friend. Eventually, she forced a smile.

''I owe him, then.''

Her own joke did nothing to light up the mood. Frost stood on the rocky dock, his totem in right hand and head low. It was obvious he wasn't going to swim this night. Selina stared at him for a moment, then she slowly swam to the edge of the rocks, crossing her arms there. She patted the spot next to her, silently inviting him to take a sit. He obliged and wrapped his arms around his knees, pressed against his chest.

''What's wrong ?'' She asked.

''Nuff and I... we got into a fight.''

''It sounds bad.''

He nodded, then winced with sadness. He burried his face in his arms, feeling new tears streaming.

''I don't know... I think he doesn't want me anymore...''

''What happened for you to think this ?''

''Apparently, Ig'vid saw us last night and told him. He thinks... He thinks I'm cheating on him... with you.''

''Wha- ?! She saw us ?! You mean- She knows we're mers ?''

Frost kept his face in his arms, unabling Selina to see his expression, and his voice came out a bit muffled.

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