38 - Merfolk's way

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The vikings had no idea what was going on at Santaklaussen. They were still training and slowly getting used to their tail and fins. Selina had decided to put them to test and asked them to race. If Zephyr was determined to win, at was actually Sneezelout and Birdlegs who did. Actually, everyone was surprised.

''How did you do it ? I have always been faster on land !'' The auburn mermaid gawked.

''Now you're underwater.'' Selina smirked. ''It's not muscles that determine your speed, but your silhouette's thinness and the width of your fins. That's why enchantresses had always been faster than reef merfolk.''

''Speeking about reef,'' Nuffink intervene, his tone serious. ''when do you think we would be able to sneak in the castle ?''

''I think you're ready, actually, but we still don't have a plan.''

''Frost has one !'' Baby Tooth cheered, swimming towards them as she just got back from the castle.

Her squeak was hearable for everyone but only Selina understood her words, and she smilled brightly.

''You saw Frost ?''

''Yes !'' The beluga chirped as she swirled around the jade mermaid. ''And he's doing fine, I'm happy ! I told him about our rescue team and he knows how we could sneak in !''

She started to explain it, but they got interrupted as the vikings asked impatiently about Frost. Selina had to test their patience so she could listen to everything Baby Tooth had to say before translating it to them. Frost's plan was a good one, they simply had to watch for the hunt party to come back so they could use the hidden pathway at the right time. They went back to their drakkar and gathered their weapons before diving back in, leaving behind their dragons who were pretty upset they couldn't follow.

They were ready to start their rescue mission... when they heard a loud submarine explosion. Without hesitation, moved by worry, they headed towards the sound and only stopped when the reef city entered their field of view. But the sight had nothing to do with the great and peaceful city Frost or Selina had depicted, it was a real battlefield !

''You said you just came back from here !'' Selina scolded the beluga.

''I did, but everything was fine when I left...''

''Queen Anissa must have send scouts.'' Selina growled.

The group swam closer, keeping a safety distance, and soon they noticed it was not a fight between merfolks from both clans... There were only merfolk from Santaklaussen, the city inhabitants were themselve attacking the castle, and the guards were trying to hold them back.

''A civile war ?'' Astrid wondered.

''Oh no...'' Selina panicked. ''They must have learn Frost is alive. If they break in the palace and find him before us-''

''Then there's no time to waste. The guards are completed overwhelmed and distracted, this is our shot. Selina, can you make one of your currents so we could get there faster ?''

''Sure. Baby Tooth, lead the way.''

The small beluga nodded with determination, even if it was obvious she was afraid. They didn't wait longer and got going. As planed with Frost, they went into the pathway leading to the library, then they had to wander the corridors to Frost's room, hoping he was still there ans had not been taken to some other place.

They managed to sneak through the commotion without being noticed, it wa scomplete chaos, but they still had to fight against a couple guards within the castle. At first ehy got surprised to see the viking, never before they had seen merfolk like them, but Selina's presence with them, an enchantress, made them appear as foes. Luckily, there were only three guards so the vikings quickly neutralized them before they could alert others.

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