Chapter 1

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7 days earlier

"Marinette get up! You will be late for school" Sabine's voice was heard through the trap door. Marinette groaned and rolled over. She looked at her alarm clock '8:15' Crap I'm going to be late! Marinette practically jumped out of her bed. She quickly changed into her usual outfit; a white t-shirt with a flower embroidered on the right side of her chest, pink cropped jeans and a black blazer with white cuffs and pink spots. Marinette made sure she had her purse on her shoulder with her kwami Tikki safely inside. 

After she was ready, the teenage girl ran down the steps tripping at the bottom. "Ouch" Marinette mumbled before standing up. She walked into the bakery and was greeted by her parents. "Hurry up Marinette!" Sabine urged her daughter out of the door. Marinette quickly swiped a croissant and some cookies for Tikki on her way out. "Bye Papa, Bye Maman" The bluenette waved running to school.

Marinette arrived at her classroom with seconds to spare. She quietly opened the door and tip-toed to her seat besides Alya. Alya glared at the designer "Why are you late!" She hissed. Marinette sat down in her seat sheepishly looking at Alya "I slept in.." She lied. The truth was she had been out on patrol with Chat Noir late last night, the duo chatted for most of the night and lost track of time. But she couldn't really tell Alya that? The lesson contained as normal with no interruptions. Finally it was lunch!

Marinette and Alya walked out of the classroom engaged in a conversation. As always Alya was ranting about the Ladyblog and her latest interview with Ladybug, but of course Marinette knew that already. The two girls walked through the canteen doors and joined the end of the cue. "It was amazing! Ladybug told me that she loved my blog! MY BLOG!!" Alya cheered. Marinette giggled "That's amazing Alya" She smiled at her over exited best friend. Chloe over heard the conversation and she turned around "Ladybug told YOU that she loved you blog" Chloe cackled "That is ridiculous utterly ridiculous!" The blonde smirked at her comment. Alya just frowned at the mayor's daughter "At least I actually see Ladybug without having to be saved from akumas constantly" The young reporter smiled. Chloe scoffed "Whatever" She turned around. Marinette and Alya looked at each other trying to stifle a laughter "Show me the interview!!" Marinette shrieked excitedly. As her alter ego whenever she agreed to do an interview for her best friend Alya's face would always light up. That always Marinette smile from ear to ear at Alya's happiness. 

After getting their food, Marinette and Alya made their way over to a table in the corner of the canteen. They sat down next to each other resuming their conversation from the queue. Adrien and Nino saw the two girls and decided to join them. "Hey babe" Nino smiled and sat down besides Alya. "Hey Nino" Alya smiled giving her boyfriend a peck on the cheek. Adrien sat besides Nino and turned to face Marinette who by now was a blushing mess because her crush was sat next to her. "Hey Mari how are you?" Adrien asked smiling softly at the blushing bluenette. "H-Hi A-Adrien good I-I'm.. I mean I good.. I MEAN I-I'm g-good h-how are you?" Marinette stuttered blushing even darker. Adrien laughed slightly "I'm good thanks". Alya watched the two exchange an awkward greeting and she looked at Nino smirking. Nino knew immediately what she meant and they both stood up. "We have to go study for a test in the library now, are you two okay here on your own?" Alya asked standing besides Nino. Adrien looked at Alya and smiled "Yeah if that's okay with you Marinette?" he looked in Marinette's direction. Marinette just glared at Alya who smiled brightly "Thanks!" Alya waved before walking away with Nino. Adrien turned to Marinette who was twiddling awkwardly with her fingers, he was about to say something when a bang was heard from the streets of Paris. 

A/N A new fanfic that I have had in my mind for ages! I really hope you like it so far, I will be writing this alongside my other fanfic and will try and balance getting chapters for this out? I have big plans for this fanfic and I really hope you will enjoy it. Bye for now!


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