Chapter 7

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A few days had passed since the akuma incident. Adrien was by Marinette's side every spare minute he had. Luckily Marinette's parents were out of town and wouldn't be back for another few days due to a baking convention. Alya always visited Marinette before and after school, these visits consisted of ranting scolding and basically being told off.

Finally Marinette was allowed to go home..

"Careful Princess" Adrien helped Marinette tie her trainer but got kicked away by the bluenette instead. "Adrien I'm not going to break!" Marinette scolded making Adrien laugh. "I know I know" He put his hands up in defeat mocking the bluenette in front of him.

Marinette rolled her eyes and sighed deeply, she stood up off the bed and went to pick her bag up but found it missing from the seat. She turned around frowning at the blonde standing in front of her. Marinette noticed a black duffel bag in his left hand and her eyes darted from the bag to her partner and potential boyfriend? But they hadn't quite talked about that yet..

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow frowning at the blonde. Adrien smiled "I'm a gentlemen after all" He looked into Marinette's deep bluebell eyes "Plus the doctors said you are meant to be resting and that means no carrying any bags.." Marinette rolled her eyes in response. Adrien laughed and followed her out the door.

They climbed into the back of Adrien's bodyguards car. Adrien leaned forward "Marinette's bakery please" Gorilla grunted in response and drove towards the bakery. He leaned back in his chair and looked at Marinette. Blue and green eyes locked. Marinette smiled awkwardly unsure what to say. What did you even say to someone who you have been crushing on since you were fourteen and then suddenly find out that they are your flirty partner who fell in love with you?

Adrien smiled at her "Are you okay?" He asked. Marinette nodded "Just thinking.." She smiled softly. Adrien sighed but nodded in response. He turned to look out the window, thoughts racing through his head. Was she disappointed that he was Chat Noir? Did she regret the kiss last night? The thoughts swarmed around his head the entire journey to the bakery.

After what seemed like an eternity, the car pulled up just outside the bakery doors. The two teenagers undid their seat belts and climbed out of the car. Adrien helped Marinette carry her bags to the door. Marinette brought out her keys and opened the door, she walked inside with Adrien following behind. 

The duo made their way up the stairs to Marinette's room. Placing the bags on the floor Adrien turned to face Marinette, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck "I should get going.. I have a photoshoot soon and you need your rest.." He looked into the blunette's bluebell eyes and smiled softly. Marinette frowned slightly, she secretly hoped he would stay and they could watch a movie together but she wouldn't say that to him..

"Oh okay.." She replied trying to hide the disappointment that he couldn't stay in her voice. Adrien smiled softly before walking over to Marinette, he placed a kiss on her forehead before turning to face the door. 

Marinette blushed slightly as she watched her partner walk away. She watched as his blonde hair disappeared under the trapdoor, a bang was heard as the trapdoor shut itself behind Adrien. Marinette listened carefully for the front door being shut. Once she heard the bang of the door, Marinette collapsed onto the floor allowing herself to process the events of yesterday.

Adrien was Chat Noir?!

She nearly drowned to death?! 

Adrien had kissed her?!

AND confessed his love for her!

The thoughts swarmed the young bluenette girl as she sat on the floor having a mini breakdown. Once she had processed the events that had occurred and calmed herself down, Marinette looked around unsure what to do? She eventually settled on finishing of a design she had started at the start of the week and got to work.

Short chapter since I haven't updated in so long! I finally sat down and powered through the writers block. I'm not that impressed with how the chapter turned out but I might go back through and edit it later on I'm not sure yet? Big things are on their way however so stay tuned!

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