Chapter 4

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The figure was dressed in a camo suit simular to the uniform of an soldier in the army. On his head was a camouflage helmet. Covering his face was what appeared to be mud stains on the shape of a mask which covered his eyes "I am Solider and my only dream was to serve in the army and continue my family legacy! But did they allow me? NO! I was shot down before I even had a chance!" Soldier cried shouting from the rooftops " I wasn't even accepted! " He fired an explosion at a nearby building sending it up in flames.

Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other before looking back at the akumatised victim. Both heroes knew in their gut that something was going to go horribly wrong..

Soldier looked down and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir staring at him from the ground. Most of the police force was stood behind them ready to assist if the teenage heroes needed it. A purple butterfly-shaped mask appeared over his face "Get me their miraculous Soldier!" A voice spoke to his akuma. Soldier nodded and a pistol appeared in his hand.

A fire was shot headed straight towards both Ladybug and Chat Noir..

On instinct Chat Noir began spinning his staff in his hand using it as a shield for him and his partner, protecting them from the blasts being fired in their direction. Ladybug turned to face the police force "Seek cover! We will handle this!" She ordered as the officers scattered for safety.

Ladybug turned back to face the akumatised victim. She took her yoyo from her waist and spun it around like a shield to protect herself. Chat Noir was still trying to dodge the bullets coming in their direction. The spotted heroine looked over at her partner "We should get to a different location where there aren't as many people!" . Chat Noir nodded and both heroes ran backwards still dodging the bullets. They jumped onto a nearby rooftop and started running along the top of the roof hoping that the akuma was following behind.

"What do we do now?!" Chat Noir asked dodging a bullet as he ran. "We take him to a location with not many people! Then we can come up with a plan!" Ladybug replied as she swung off the rooftop with her yoyo. Chat Noir followed using his staff like a propeller following his partner with the akumatized victim close behind.

They landed on a rooftop just opposite the Seine. Soldier landed 5 feet in front of them, his face was red from running and his eyebrows furrowed with anger. "Stop running and give me your miraculous!" He screamed at the teenage heroes. The pistol reappeared in the akuma's hand and he started firing again. A bullet landed just meters in front of Chat Noir. He jumped back spinning his staff "Meowch!" He cried. Ladybug jumped and landed besides him. " I have no idea where the akuma is! " She looked around distressed and worried.

Soldier fired yet another blast in their direction making Ladybug and Chat Noir jump backwards dodging the blasts. "We need a plan M'Lady!" Chat Noir spun his staff blocking a bullet being fired in his direction.

After a long and tiring battle Ladybug realized it was time to finish this once and for all..

"Lucky charm!" The spotted heroine cried. A gas of some sort that magicians use fell down. Her eyes darted around looking for a plan. She gave Chat Noir a look to be ready. He nodded in response "Cataclysm" Chat Noir whispered softly. Ladybug threw the gas making the akuma cough. She took this chance to snatch the akumatized object and tossed it to Chat Noir. The object landed in his hand and turned to dust as soon as it came in contact with his hand.

A purple butterfly emerged from the dust and started flying away. Ladybug swung her yoyo and caught the fleeing butterfly. "Gotcha!" She called and snapped her yoyo shut. She tapped the top of the yoyo and a white butterfly flew away. "Bye Bye little butterfly" Ladybug waved. She took the remainder of the lucky charm and threw it into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug called. Millions of ladybugs emerged from the sky cleansing the damage done by Soldier.

Soldier meanwhile was beginning to be covered in a purple flash. Before he could go back to his civilian form his hand reaches out. He pushed his hand forward making Ladybug stumble over the edge..

Chat Noir ran forward and pushed Soldier to the ground as a purple flash covered him. Chat Noir desperately tried to catch Ladybug in time but her hand slipped through his..


She was falling..

"Chat Noir!"

He couldn't save her..

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