Chapter 5

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The sun shone through the window as a blonde boy sat besides an unconscious body lying in a hospital bed. A girl lay in the bed besides him, her bluenette hair was down and flowed perfectly across the pillow. She wore a hospital gown, her wet clothes lying in a pile on a chair next to her. The boy watched her, looking for a sign of consciousness. 

Everything happened so fast...

One minute Ladybug was standing on top of the rooftop. The next she was falling fast heading straight for the Seine. Chat Noir tried to stop her from falling, but her hand slipped through his..

Fear was written across her face as she desperately tried to secure her yoyo onto something. Anything.. Anything secure.. Anything to stop her from falling.. She was getting closer to the water and just when things couldn't get any worse, her miraculous beeped. No No No! The thought raced through her mind on repeat. 

Chat Noir stood frozen in his spot, he just watched her fall. He stood there for a few seconds.. Time felt like it was frozen, everything went so slow.. Then an instinct in the back of his mind forced itself into movement. Chat Noir ran forward and dived towards Ladybug's falling body. His ring began to beep as a pink flash surrounded Ladybug's body as she disappeared underneath the water..

Chat Noir came into contact with the water as he too disappeared underneath the water's surface. His green eyes darted around the murky water trying to locate his fallen lady. A dark shadow was sinking fast just a few metres below him. Chat Noir placed his staff over his mouth so he could breathe better and swam forward trying to keep up with the sinking body. 

She was wearing pink cropped jeans with a black blazer and a white top. Her hair was divided into neat bunches tied securely with red hair ties. As Chat Noir's eyes adjusted more of her facial features came into view. Marinette?! Marinette is my Ladybug.. He thought over and over again as Chat Noir finally caught up with her sinking body. A green flash covered him as he pulled Marinette closer to him and started swimming up to the top. 

Adrien gasped when his head emerged from the water. He inhaled a deep breath before he turned and swam to the bank of the Seine. By the time he reached the water's edge, his clothes were soaked and dragging him down,he was exhausted from the battle and swimming. Adrien slowly swam until his feet touched the ground. He then proceeded to pick Marinette up bridal style in his arms and carried her out of the water. She was silent and her eyes were closed, Adrien looked down at her a thought raced through his mind. How could I be so blind? The girl I love sat behind me in class all along.. In my reach but so far away.. 

He gently placed Marinette onto the ground and started searching his body for his phone. Adrien groaned in frustration when he realised he had left his phone back at home on his desk. His eyes darted back to Marinette's unconscious body laying on the ground in front of him What would you do Princess? Adrien thought as an idea came to mind. Luka lives nearby! Maybe I could use his phone to call an ambulance? He sprang to his feet and gently picked Marinette up again. Adrien began to walk to the direction of Luka and Juleka's boat hoping and praying that they would help..

When he finally reached the boat, Adrien looked around trying to find something to get someone's attention. A door opened and a teenage boy with dark blue hair fading into light blue walked onto the deck. He had a guitar strap around his shoulder and the guitar resting on his back. He wore a blue hoodie with a white t-shirt underneath and a pair of black ripped jeans. On the white t-shirt was a jagged stone symbol embroidered in the middle of a t-shirt. "Luka!" Adrien called gaining Luka's attention. He turned to face the blonde boy, soaking from head to toe. Luka's eyes widened when he saw Marinette's unconscious body lying in Adrien's arms. Luka rushed over to Adrien "What happened!" He asked clearly distressed all of a sudden. Adrien emotions rushed up now that he was out of shock, he began panicking and his breathing sped up and got faster. "T-The akuma attack.. She was caught up in it.. I watched her fall into the water.. I-I" Tears filled up in Adrien eyes. "We need to call an ambulance and get you two dry" Luka said trying to stay calm. Adrien nodded in response, a tear fell down his face. 

Luka brought a towel out for Adrien and passed it too him. He then dialled the emergency number and called an ambulance. "The ambulance will be here in five to ten minutes.." Luka turned to face Adrien who nodded in response. 

Five minutes passed and the ambulance came and took Marinette from Adrien's arms. The paramedics then proceeded to check her blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. Adrien stood besides Luka watching them check Marinette, he felt overwhelmed with tears and worry. The paramedics loaded Marinette onto a stretcher and wheeled her into the back of the ambulance. The paramedic turned to face the two boys "Are one of you coming with us?" He asked. Before Luka could answer Adrien interrupted him "I will!" He replied as the paramedic nodded. Adrien climbed into the back and sat down as the ambulance drove towards the nearest hospital. 

That's how a few hours later, Adrien sat besides Marinette's hospital bed refusing to leave her side..

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