Chapter 8

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A few hours passed and a tap tap was heard against Marinette's trapdoor. The bluenette looked up confused. She walked over to her trapdoor and opened it. Stood in front of her was Adrien, well Chat de-transforming back to Adrien. A green light made the young girl cover her eyes so she wasn't blinded by said light. 

The light died down revealing a candle lit balcony. Marinette gasped, blush creeping up to her cheeks. Adrien wore a black suit with green tie. In his right hand, he held a redish pink rose. Blush too dusted the blonde males cheek.  Candles were carefully placed along her balcony railing. A red checked blanket had been laid out. On top laid all sorts of bakery treats varying from croissants to different types of pastries. Rose petals covered the balcony floor.

The bluenette couldn't believe her eyes, she was speechless. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly "I uh- It's not to over the top right?" He stammered tripping over his words. Marinette couldn't help but giggle at his awkwardness. It was weird to see Adrien act like this but her heart warmed at the sight. "It's amazing" She smiled softly.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy and want to get this chapter out~)

The night was going perfectly so far, laughs filled the air as well as stammers and constant blushing. Suddenly Adrien spoke up breaking the silence "A-Are you disappointed that it was me?.." He almost whispered scared for rejection. Marinette looked up from her food, her heart almost shattering "Why would I ever be disappointed? Your my flirty and funny Chaton, to find out that you were one of my best friends was a dream come true" She replied honestly blush dusting her cheeks. The bluenette paused for a minute "If anything you should be disappointed I'm Ladybug.. I'm clumsy and insecure an-" She was cut of by a kiss. 

Adrien pulled away, blush dusted his cheeks "Your purr fect princess, I would never be disappointed" He smirked. An idea came to the blonde's head. He stood up and offered his hand. Marinette shyly took it standing up as well. 

Adrien took her hand in his and started to sway from side to side. Marinette blushed but followed his steps "There is no music?" She questioned. The blonde laughed "We don't need music" He twirled her around. 

They danced like this in comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company. "I love you so much it hurts" Adrien spoke interrupting the silence. Marinette opened her mouth to respond but was cut off. "Your amazing, your so kind, you always help everyone even if they don't nessacairly need help or deserve it" He paused "You are the best person I know, that's why I want to ask this question.." He paused again. Taking a deep breath, Adrien looked into Marinette's eyes "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

Marinette's eyes widened. She couldn't breathe. A massive smile stretched across her face from head to toe "Yes! Yes! I love you too!" She squealed. The bluenette practically jumped into his arms making them both fall to the ground laughing. She captured his lips, kissing him. 

"I love you M'lady. Your my world"

"I love you too silly minou"

I'm so sorry for  not updating in so long!! But I'm back from the dead! Finally I wrote this chapter. My shipper heart couldn't take this much fluff in one chapter!! Eeeek! Lots of drama to come in later chapters so stay tuned.

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