Truths Revealed

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Christian ran a hand through his hair. Okay, don't freak out on her.

"So, you've never officially have been a sub?" He asked her, hands gripping the steering wheel tight.

She still wouldn't look at him, "No, sir." She replied.


"Well you still must have some sort of experience. What type of things do you like?" He had to think of a way around this.

She shook her head, "Joseph always only had me watch the other girls perform. Said it'd be better for me to learn that way."

Christian couldn't believe what he was hearing.

There was a long pause, he was thinking of what a terrible investment he had gotten into, and she was too scared to speak at all. She knew he wasn't happy by this news.

"Also...." She hesitated, knowing he was already upset. "I've never slept with anyone...."

Oh this was just getting better and better, Christian thought bitterly. "Ever?" He asked, unable to keep the shock out of his voice.

"Ever." She seemed to be getting offended by Christians tone. She had to understand though, it wasn't like he didn't just spend 50 grand on this girl, and for what? Her to have exactly no experience, not just in being a Submissive, but now just fucking sex. Taking a deep breath he tried to remain calm.

"How old are you?" He asked, that tone of incredulous still there.


"And you've managed to stay a virgin all this time?"


He was starting to get frustrated by how much she wasn't talking. He liked submissiveness but there was a time and a place, and this was not it. "Why?"

"Why am I a virgin?" Her brows raised and she finally looked at him.

Christian nodded.

"I guess I just haven't been with anyone who I want to loose it to yet..."

He furrowed his brow, "But you'll sell yourself and let a complete stranger take it?"

She looked out the window, "I have my reasons."

Pulling into the garage he drove to his assign parking spot. He parked the car and turned the engine off, stepping out of the vehicle. He made his way over to Anastasia's side, opening the door for her. Taking her by the hand, he walked her to the elevator.

Christian was fucking pissed, but he didn't just blow fifty grand on this girl, and not plan to get his moneys worth out of her. Plus, she was gorgeous and he couldn't wait to be buried inside of her, virgin or not. He decided to make her feel at ease with the situation.

"I hope you'll like it here Anastasia. I think we'll work out nicely together." It was a lie but he wanted her comfortable. The doors pinged and then opened up. He stepped inside, pulling her behind him. Pressing the Penthouse button, the doors closed and they began to rise up. Things were awkward more now than before, after Christian had found out everything about Anastasia. He knew Joseph purposefully hadn't told him about her lack of experience plus the fact that she was still a virgin. His jaw clenched at the thought. No experience. Joseph had completely fucked him over.

The lift came to a stop and the doors once again opened for them. "Welcome to your new home, Anastasia." He forced a fake smile.

It was late so Mrs. Jones, his cook, had already went home for the evening. The place was dark, except for a small light that was on an end table in the foyer. He stepped off the elevator and walked toward the stairs. "I expect you're tired but we will talk a few things over before bed. I'll show you to your room and in the morning you can see the rest of the place."

She had been curious about her surroundings, eyeing the foyer, and trying to peek her head further to get a better look at the kitchen. His eyes were on her ass as she arched her body toward the kitchen area. Christian wanted to take her in that tiny little dress right then, but she hadn't signed the NDA yet, so his hands stayed to himself. Motioning for her to follow him, he headed up the stairs.

He took a turn to the left and stopped at the entrance to his door. "This is my room." They both looked into his very large room, a grey bedspread draped over his kingsized bed. The colors of the room being a collection of not only grey, but also navy blue and black.

Anastasia didn't think those colors could ever look good together, but somehow Christian had managed to do it. She nodded as she bit her bottom lip, looking at the massive bed. She hadn't seen a bed that size, ever.

He continued down the hall, stopping at the room next to his. "This will be your room." He opened the door. Soft purples and greys filled the room. She wondered if grey was his favorite color since his last name was, 'Grey'. A small lamp sat on a tall dark wooden dresser in the far end of the room.

Christian walked inside. "You're own bathroom is through there," He pointed to the connecting room which had a bath and a separate walk in shower. "The walk in closet is just off of the bathroom, and you'll find it fully stocked in clothes for every occasion. As well as shoes. You're undergarments will be in your dresser, as well as your nightgowns. "

Anastasia nodded, as she looked around the room. It was beautiful. She itched to go into her walk in closet and look through her clothes but she knew Christian would think she wasn't listening to what he was saying.

"You will eat breakfast with me every morning before I head to work. I leave for the office every morning at 7:30 so breakfast is at 6:45. Mrs. Jones, our cook, will make you whatever you'd like, as long as its not too fatting. Weekends I tend to sleep in, so breakfast for those two days vary. I can wake you if I need to on those days and you wont be punished."

She wondered in the back of her mind just what type of punishment missing breakfast with him would result in.

He continued, "I'm also going to set up sessions with my private trainer for you. You will work out four times a week, I will allow you to choose which days you'd like to have off. This is not a choice, working out will be a requirement whether you'd like to or not.

Since it's late I'll go over the rules for playtime tomorrow since its Saturday. I've reserved the entire weekend for us to spend time together and get to know one another.

Do you have any questions?"

Ana's head was spinning. He had said so much. "It's a lot to take in." She told him, her voice still low.

Christian figured she was still shy from barely knowing him. As adorable as it was, he needed her to warm up to him. He couldn't have her scared of him.

A question did surface for her, "Will I be able to go out and see my friends some days?" She looked like a little girl with her big eyes looking up at him in question.

"I'll allow you to go out with your friends if you are being good. That will be a reward, so if you are disobedient then, no. And also I will have to know where you're going and with whom, and how long you'll be out for. You will not be allowed to drink while out without me. And no one on one time with men, even if they're friends. Is that clear?" He asked, his tone stern.

Furrowing her brow she looked away, but not out of respect like she had been. This was going to be tougher than she had thought. "So I can only hangout with my girlfriends?" She didn't mean for it to come out so rudely but it did.

Christian raised a brow at her tone, "You're having an attitude already?" He asked, walking up to where she stood. He stopped when he was directly in front of her, "I had planned on allowing you to sleep tonight but I can change my mind and fuck you all night long if I need to. And that wont even be your punishment." He told her darkly.

Ana blinked up at him, surprised by how quickly his mood changed. "I-I'm sorry sir." She said, not being able to break eye contact. She felt like a deer in headlights.

Christian leaned back from her, nodding, "Get some rest. I'll see you in the morning." And with that, he turned and headed out the door, shutting the door as he went.

Ana stood there staring after him.


She hoped she didn't just make a huge mistake by agreeing to do this.

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