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Ana took with her not one but six books from Christians study. She had tried to limit it to only three but when she held more than that, Christian insisted she take them all. To

which she gladly obeyed.

While they were standing there talking, a big man with a stern face walked into the study.

Christians mood had been the most relaxed Ana had seen since the short time she had known him, but as soon as this man walked in Christian straightened up and was immediately on edge.

"Yes, Taylor what is it?" He snapped, seeming to be annoyed to having been interrupted.

"Sir, we were able to track him down. I've forwarded the call to your line in here. He's on line three."

At that Christians mood shifted yet again. He looked at Ana. "Why don't you take your books back to your room and I'll be with you soon." She nodded and walked out. As

soon as Ana was through the doorway, Taylor shut the door on her. Her curiosity was piqued though, so she decided to stay and try to listen in on them. Leaning her ear

against the door she began to hear their voices.

Christian had told Taylor to track 'Joseph' down for him. He was going to get his money back. There was no way he was keeping a Sub with no experience. It wouldn't be that

hard to find him, all that he had to do was find out who rented the house they had last used for the slave auction. After that, money would get anyone to tell him what he

needed. Christian had just respected

'Josephs' privacy enough to not dig into to his life. Until he fucked him over.

When he had said goodnight to Ana last night, he went to his room and called Taylor, demanding he get 'Joseph' on the phone as soon as he could.

"Did you have too much trouble tracking him down?" Christian asked Taylor.

He shook his head, "Not at all, Sir. We traced it back to a Mr. James Ford. He owns a security company as a front. Obviously his slave auctions is his real business."

Christian nodded, pleased with what Taylor found. "Good work." He said simply, then walked to his desk and pressed the 'Line 3' button, taking the call on speaker. "James, so

glad you're able to chat." He said, in a mocking voice.

James waited a beat before speaking, sounding clearly annoyed. "Well I didn't have much choice really. Your employee said if I didn't stay on the line you'd make sure people

knew my real line of business." He spat the last word.

A grin spread across Christians face, he knew James was upset, and that pleased him.

"I don't like people lying to me who I do business with, James."

"I never lied."

Christian scoffed. "The girl has no experience at all. And she's a fucking virgin."

From the other side of the door Ana could hear the call perfectly. The way Christian said the word 'virgin' made it sound like a cuss word.

"You never asked if she was a virgin, Grey." James said matter of factly.

"I expect that when I spend fifty thousand dollars on one of your fucking girls, that she at least not be a virgin! Plus she has exactly no experience with being a sub!"

Christians temper was fuming.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment then, "You got your moneys worth, Grey. She's a beautiful girl. The prettiest one I had in all the bunch. You

should be thanking me that no other man has ever touched her."

Christian ran a hand through his hair, glad that James wasn't there in the room. If he had been, Christian for sure would have punched him, leading to a lawsuit no doubt.

"She has no fucking experience James! She's useless to me! I want my money back for her, and you can have her back!"

James was calm as he responded, "Now I cant do that. All sales are final. You know this."

"That only applies if you don't sell me bad product!"

"I never sold you bad product. The girl is healthy, no diseases, and she does have experience. I made sure she was in the room with the other girls who had one on one time

with the trainer. She's learned quite a bit, you just need to pop that cherry. Which I assume hasn't happened yet?"

Christian was now livid. His hands were on his hips as he glared at the phone, nostrils flaring. "Fuck you James." Then he hit 'End Call', hanging up on him.

"Sir, how would you like to proceed? I can return Miss Stele to Mr. Ford. I know where his business is, as well as his home address."

Just before Christian could respond to Taylor, Ana burst into the room, tears streaming down her face.

"No, please don't send me back! I'll do whatever you want, I promise I'll learn fast!"

Christian was surprised and taken aback for a short moment, before quickly regaining his demeanor. "Taylor you're dismissed." He said, walking to Ana. Taylor nodded then

headed out the door, shutting it behind him.

"You were eavesdropping on my conversation? When I clearly told you to wait in your room?" Christian was pissed and not in the mood for her disobedience at the moment.

Ana took a step back, still clutching the books in her hands. "Sir, please give me a chance! I know I don't have as much of experience as you'd like but you can teach me! I'll

take whatever you do to me-"

"You can't handle it! Ana you're a virgin. You can't simply be thrown into this world. It would all be too much for you."

Ana was still crying, she couldn't let him send her back. "Please, just give me a chance." Her voice was so low that Christian had to strain to hear.

He looked at her, shaking his head at the situation."Fuck," He said, annoyed with himself for feeling sorry for her. She clearly didn't want to go back to James but why? Was

he hurting her? Was her trainer hurting her? The thought made Christians fist ball up at his sides and his jaw clench. He didn't know why, but it bothered him to think of

someone hurting her. "Fine, you can stay here.

On trial run only. Understood?" He asked in an irritable voice.

She nodded enthusiastically, her hair wafting in front of her still water filled eyes.

Christian reached out and wiped away one of her stray tears. He was surprised when she leaned into his touch. Suddenly snapping out of it, he dropped his hand.

"Well you better go get ready for dinner then. We'll be dining in an upscale restaurant, I'll be wearing a suit, so dress accordingly."

"Yes, Sir." She said, then turned on her heels hurrying out of the room before Christian could change his mind yet again.

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