Blown Away

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Ana tossed on her bed. She felt fidgety and very agitated from todays events. She looked at the clock on her bedside table, 4:23 flashed back at her. She groaned and rolled

her eyes. Christian had been locked up in his office for three hours now. She had been laying in bed watching bad tv this entire time. She finally sat up, deciding enough was


Marching out of her room she headed for his office before her confidence could wear back down. She listened at the door to make sure he wasn't on his phone taking an

important call or anything. When it was quiet she knocked three times.

"Yes?" Christians voice sounded a bit short and annoyed, making Ana lose her nerve. Still, she shook it off and opened the door walking inside.

Christian sat at his desk with a stack of papers littered in front of him. He peered up at her, looking surprised to see it was her.

"Yes, Anastasia what is it?" His voice sounded a bit softer but there was still an edge to it.

Ana bit her bottom lip as she moved closer to him. She hadn't really thought this through. She didn't quite know what to say.

"I'm bored..." Her words came out shy, as she looked at him bashfully.

Christian simply blinked at her. "Ana, I'm sure you can find something to amuse you while I'm working." He glanced back down at his papers and wrote a few things down.

Ana knitted her brows together, mad that he wasn't giving her attention even with her right in front of him.

"You've been sidetracked all day!" After saying it, she regretted it. Her words fumbled out of her mouth like a bratty child before she could stop them.

Christians head snapped back up, daring her to continue. "I fucked you good a couple hours ago if I recall." His words were surprisingly calm, much to Ana's relief.

"Yes, but then you darted out as soon as you could." Her voice cracked at the end and she shocked herself when she felt a few tears bite at her eyes. Where was this coming

from? She thought annoyed. She had barely even known Christian. But it wasn't like it was hard to adopt feelings for him so quickly. He was handsome, well groomed, spoiled

her, and the fact that they had sex made her feel connected to him in a very intimate way already. She knew better though. Kate had told her many of the Doms she had

known only cared about her to fuck her. Never having true feelings for her. Ana went into all of this trying to think of it as a business deal. But two days in and she was

already wanting more. She was mad at herself for caring so much so quickly.

Christian stood and slid his hands inside his pockets. He wore jeans and a white V neck tee shirt and was barefoot. Ana was pretty sure only Christian Grey could make a

simple jeans and tee shirt outfit look sexy.

Slowly, he made his way around the desk and stopped in front of her. Ana had her eyes downcast, knowing she had spoken to him out of turn and was for sure going to be


Christians finger found her chin and he pulled it up to look her in the eyes, "You forget that you are mine to do with as I please. I can fuck you anytime I want. I can use you

anytime I want. Do you understand Anastasia?"

Ana felt as though she had the wind knocked out of her. She couldn't speak, so she nodded.

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