Bad Night

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Christian was stiff at Anas side. They had carpooled with Edward and Kate, even after Christian had protested, but after a stern look from Edward, Christian nodded.

They pulled into a wealthy looking neighborhood, reminding Ana of the place the auction had been. Edward drove fast and reckless. Ana could tell Christian was beyond upset,

he had his arm protectively around Anas shoulder as the car jolted this way and that. She looked up at him but Christian had his eyes boring into Edwards profile in the

drivers seat. Suddenly the car lurched left and Kate laughed as Edward pulled the car into the driveway of a fancy two story house. It had a curved driveway that went around

to the back of the house, where a garage waited. Instead of pulling it inside, he simply parked in front of the garage door. Looking pleased with himself he twisted his head

back to look at Ana and Christian who were fearing their lives in the backseat, "Home sweet home," he said through a crooked smile. Hoping out of the car he moved around

to the passenger seat and helped Kate out.

Christian didn't wait any longer as he opened their car door and helped Ana out as well. Edward and Kate headed to the back door, Edwards keys in his hand as he found his

house key, but as Ana made to follow them Christians hand yanked at her elbow pulling her back. Edward noticed and turned to look concerned.

"I need to speak to Ana privately. We'll be right int." Christian assured him. Edward nodded and him and Kate went inside.

Ana looked at Christian waiting for him to tell her they were leaving, but instead of him saying anything to her, he pulled out his phone and called someone quickly.

"Taylor, I need you to get some information on someone right away." There was a small pause as Ana heard Taylors muffled voice on the other end of the phone.

"A Edward Patterson. I need you to find any dirt on him and quickly. I know his company is going down the tubes fast but I need something that could potentially get him in

deep shit."

Ana looked on a bit shocked. Another pause from Christians end and then he nodded, "I'm going to need you to follow my location and be nearby until I say otherwise. Let me

know as soon as you get anything," he said to him as he hung up. He slid his phone back into his pant pocket and took Anas hand heading inside. She was annoyed, he didn't

do at all what he told Edward he'd do. "Sir, whats going on?" She asked, her voice cracking nervously.

Christian stopped and looked at her, "You trust me right?"

Ana nodded.

"Okay, then I need you to trust me right now."

She swallowed the lump that was taking root in her throat and gave him a half nod. He squeezed her hand tightly and opened the back door, leading her into the house.

It was a very homey looking place, expensive looking furniture and the paintings on the walls made some of the rooms bright and vibrant. Under different circumstances Ana

would have liked it here.

Edward stood behind his kitchen counter pouring out four glasses of wine. His tie was off and the two top buttons of his shirt were undone. "Everything kosher?" He asked


He nodded, taking a seat at the table and pulling Ana down on his lap. Kate was sitting on the counter beside where Edward stood. "Fill mine extra tall Sir," she winked, then

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