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Ana lowered her eyes as she listened to Christian. He walked over to her, and stopped when he was just arms length away.

"Ana, don't ignore me." He gently scolded. She was still trying to get her senses back though, what with just having a mind blowing orgasm.

"Yes Sir." She said but she had an attitude to the tone.

Christian raised his brows at that. "Are you trying to piss me off, Anastasia?"

She quickly shook her head at him, not wanting anymore lessons for today.

"We need to discuss a few things," he walked back to his desk chair and leaned back, folding his hands over his stomach. She sat on the edge of his desk and turned her upper body to see him.

"So obviously you know what we're looking at. Patterson has threatened me, well us, and may expose us." He seemed as though this news didn't bother him but his eyes seemed tense. Ana could tell he was worried. "I understand this isn't something you've signed up for Anastasia, so if you'd like out that can be arranged." His voice was gentle now, sad even.

Ana looked down at the desk as she let his words sink in. "And if I'd like to stay?" She looked back at him again, "What then?"

Christian seemed surprised to hear her say that. He had genuinely thought she'd bail. "Then we'd figure out what we'd do moving forward. I've already assigned you personal security, but we'd have to change other things as well."

"Such as?"

"Well for starters you could choose if you'd want to stay living here or not."

Ana frowned confused, "Where would I go?" She was a little panicked at the thought of having no where to go. She had broke her lease to her apartment before signing on with James' training. He had provided house and boarding and said if for some reason she wasn't bought at the auction, she'd simply be re-placed back into the training for the next one.

"Well I'd get you a place of course." He smiled at her as if it were an absurd thought to have thought anything otherwise.

She smiled back, "Oh."

Christian leaned forward and stretched his hand across the desk, taking her hands in his. "It's your decision Ana. You don't have to decide right away, but we will need an answer soon because we have no idea of knowing when Patterson will strike, if he even does."

She took a shaky breath, "Can I...can I sleep on it?" Her looking at him through her long lashes.

Christians eyes softened, "Of course."

Later that evening, Ana fell asleep on the couch of all places. Christian had been in his office until late then went to his actual work to get some things taken care of there. Ana was bored being there all alone and after Gail had left for the evening and Sawyer and Taylor both disappeared into a security room no doubt, Ana flopped onto the couch to watch tv. The fireplace was on making the early fall evening cozy. It had been raining today, so she was already feeling more tired than normal. Flicking the tv on she smiled when she found another cheesy Hallmark movie on, but was sad Christian wasn't there to watch it with her. She began thinking over her options now that she had some piece and quiet. Christian had told her he'd get her her own place. Which would mean she'd have her own space as well. She may even be free to hangout with whomever she'd like and come and go as she pleased without having to ask....but surprisingly that didn't sound appealing to her. Ana had been here for not even a full week yet and she was already depending on Christians company. As moody as he was and bipolar, she still knew that she was already developing feelings for him. Not like it was hard.

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