1.At First

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At first he thought she was annoying. Something like Hizashi or Shirakumo, not as loud but still annoying. And he didn't think much more of her before she approached him. Sure, she was pretty in his eyes even before that, but after Y/N talked to him for the first time, he was able to see why she was surrounded by guys. It was a while after they enrolled in U. A. and he was getting ready to go the cafeteria, when the girl suddenly jumped in front of him and flashed him a smile.
'Hey, Aizawa-san, right?'
Did he miss a group project announcement or something? But she was from general studies, so that wouldn't be the case.
'I'm Y/N L/N. But you can call me by my first name. Wanna have lunch together?' he noticed that she had her own bento.
'I'll pass.'
'C'mon, I'll share my bento, okay?'
Then this led to that and he was suddenly sitting with her in the cafeteria as she fangirled over pro heroes. She really was loud and bothersome. But somehow he didn't mind her that much. Was it because of her looks or because of her quirk, he couldn't tell. And he wasn't going to try to erase her quirk and then explain himself.
'I really wish I could be a hero too... But my quirk is kinda useless in that line of work. Your quirk really is amazing, Aizawa-san, I bet you'd make a great hero.' it felt so familiar, the way she tried to encourage him with that smile. Did Shirakumo buy her or something?

After that she just started hanging out with the three guys all the time. It felt familiar, her presence. And Shirakumo's constant flirting. And the way she sang together with Hizashi. Then came second year. By the time he had started his work study, Aizawa was sure he had a crush on Y/N. At first he wasn't sure if it was real, so he was overthinking it, but a few months passed and he was sure that was the case. But he was too late, for she had found a boyfriend a month ago and they looked so happy together.

'Ahh, it's so frustrating.' she sighed as she stared at the sky.

'The way he acted about the goggles? Yes, it is.' Shirakumo beamed, not done with the topic.

'No, I meant something else. You guys have work study, you get to fight and all... and I can't even study with Shota because of that.'

It had become common for them to get together and study, since Y/N was having some troubles with (random subject) and Aizawa was good at it. Before they realized it, it was a habit to study together.

'I thought it was because you found a boyfriend.' Aizawa said, looking her way.

'No way! I wouldn't stop seeing any of you even if I got suddenly married.' Y/N laughed and dug in her bento.

'Ah, love troubles! So youthful! But tell me, Y/N, now that we see where Aizawa is headed, what do you think about your future?' Kayama was showing photos of Sushi to Hizashi while asking her that question.

'Hmm... I'm not really sure to be honest. Something about helping people for sure, but I have a lot of careers to consider.' Y/N's smile seemed distant now and Aizawa decided to say something.

'Why don't you become a therapist? Your quirk is really suitable.' he had given it some thought, since she had complained about not knowing what to do in the future while they were studying together once.

'That's a good idea. A lot of people need therapists after villian attacks.' Shirakumo put his arm around her shoulders and started explaining how great it would be if she worked together with their agency.

And before he realized it, Shirakumo was gone. They all grieved for him, but it seemed to have the most effect on Aizawa. Y/N stayed by his side through all the overthinking, all the training, she encouraged him about his future and helped him get on his feet and overcome his weaknesses. She had made him see himself as something far more different from powerless. But due to the fact that the girl was giving it her all to support him, her boyfriend felt neglected and broke up with her. That's when Aizawa returned the favor and supported her. But he couldn't bring himself to confess, no matter how much time passed. His feelings only got stronger, but he wanted to be able to protect her, to shield her, to return to her safely. And so he had to work on himself a lot more. While Aizawa was pumped up about his training, Y/N put her all in studies. And she graduated with straight A's. Yes, before he realized it, they had graduated. Even if he had figured out what to do with his life, even if he had become stronger, even if he was able to return to her safely now... he couldn't bring himself to confess. The man felt like she deserved so much more than him.

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