7. Small Improvements

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The day was over. It was already Thursday night. The past few days felt so peaceful and blissful that he didn't notice when they were over. And he didn't want it to be over ever again. Basking in her presence, coming home to her sleeping form on his bed, cooking with her, making breakfast for her, the whole image of morning Y/N, her bento, the calls and messages from work. It was Hell and Heaven at the same time. Yes, he still felt not good enough and didn't want to say or do anything, but every time he was beside her, the urge to kiss her and hold her close was stronger than ever.
Today was no different. As he woke her up from her nap, as she'd instructed him to do today, he wished for all the sinful things one could do to such an angel. But holding himself back was something he did pretty well. Especially for the past 10 years.
'Morning, Shota.' she stirred in her sleep, mumbling the short sentence with still closed eyes.
'It's pretty dark outside, but I guess you could say that.' he chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed.
'How was work today?' Y/N's sleepy form rose up slowly behind him. It felt so familiar, all that domestic proximity.
'The same old shit.' Aizawa sighed, looking at her. A blissful smile was plastered on her gentle face. 'I see you're already feeling a lot better.'
'Yup, thanks to your to-do list and comforting.' the smile turned into a grin.
'Comforting?' he never really did anything comforting-like, in his eyes. He tried, but it all seemed to be in vain.
'Yeah, you have your own way of comforting people, Shota. That's why I'm feeling good in such a short time. Your calming energy, every breakfast, every coffee, all the care you put into simple tasks.'
'Okay, I got it. You don't have to go on.' she was probably doing it on purpose, knowing that he'd feel embarrassed and turn his face away.
'But Shota, I said nothing bad.' she crawled closer to him, still behind his back.
'Any nightmares? Or visions?' he was still worried that they'd return. It was an everyday question.
'None at all. But I catch on a lingering negative energy from you. Ever since you came here.'
Y/N was worried that he'd leave before the end of the week and that she'd be alone in the apartment again. Without his presence. Without something she needed so much.
'What is it? You know better than me I guess.' it was embarrassing to have her figure him out like that. Fear found it's way to his throat, gripping it deadly. Did she know about his feelings? Did she know about all the disgusting and sinful thoughts? Did she know about all his fears?
'I don't read your energy. I've done it just once, 10 years back. Probably 11.' her eyes found the matress and fixed on it. 'But you're afraid of something now and it's so strong I can't help but notice it. I'm sorry.'
Surprise was over his features. Yes, he'd never asked her, but knowing for a fact that she didn't read his energy was a shock. But the surprise was pleasant.
'I guess we both don't want to go on with that conversation. What do you say about dinner?' he shifted his position so he could look at her. She looked so sweet, all embarrassed like that, sitting on her knees, a white oversized T-shirt, her hair everywhere, her face flushed, eyes downcast. He didn't want anyone else to see her like that.
'Yeah, let's go. I wanna eat pork stew tonight.' a smile flashed on her face, making him mimic it.
Probably because of the conversation early on, cooking time was filled with only teasing and a lot of playing around. They had to get their minds off whatever they were thinking and appreciate the moment. It was only until they sat down on the table tho. Dinner was silent, unlike any other time. And it bothered Aizawa more than it should've probably.
'Are you okay? You seem down all of a sudden.' his words reached her ears sooner than he wanted them to.
'Yeah, I was just thinking that I wanna spend some time with you tonight.' Y/N looked him dead in the eyes, a small smile formed on her lips.
'So that's why I had to wake you up, huh? What do you have in mind?'
'I was thinking about a movie or something. But if you have work, we can do it tomorrow night. Or Saturday night.' her eyes never left his, tempting him to give in. But he didn't need that, he'd always say yes to spending more time with her.
'What are we watching?'
'What about Howl's Moving Castle? I haven't watched it in years. And you said most things are off limits.' the woman giggled, taking her eyes off him.
'Okay, I'm gonna set it up while you do the dishes.'
Y/N's smile was brighter than the sun if he could say so. It's not like he didn't like Studio Ghibli movies, but he was more fond of real-life action. Yet, the whole week was about her happiness, so he couldn't refuse.
Silence filled the room again. Y/N was lost in thought while picking on her food, Aizawa mimicking her moves unconsciously. Her words about his 'comforting' were playing on repeat in his mind. Could he be good enough after all? Well, she was feeling better, yes, but was it really thanks to him? She was always quick to recover with the right energy around her. Maybe she was just trying to comfort him? But no matter how much he tried to deny it, her words really hit home. Like a comet. And his hesistation was starting to burn out, making way for the wish to hold her. Making way for a thought unlike any other until now.
'Eat up or we're not watching a movie. You gotta rest after that too.' his stern voice made her smile as she dug in silently. But before he did the same, he pulled out his phone.
Shota: How do I confess?
Kayama: WHAT?
Shota: Give me an idea or two.
Shota: I'm serious.
Kayama: Okay, okay. Have some good night pictures of Sushi and we're gonna talk this over tomorrow.
Great, he'd have to tell Hizashi too. And he'd have to actually put up with them tomorrow. A sudden regret filled him and made him shake his head and dig in.
'Hmm, love troubles? Did your lover say something embarrassing?' Y/N laughed from across the table, obviously teasing him.
'Yeah, she wants a threesome with you.' his face was so serious, someone else would think he wasn't joking actually.
'Oh, how disappointing. I thought you were gay.' her giggle filled the room, followed by a chuckle from him.
Yes, he really did have love troubles. And they were eating pork stew right in front of him.

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