5. Nightmares

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Aizawa texted her a few times during work after he made that phone call but there was no answer. That meant that she was asleep for sure. The thought of her peacefully sleeping made him want to smile, but there was still that lingering fear of her having nightmares once again. As much as he wanted to do his work in the school, it was far more urgent to check up on her at home. Meaning that he had to work at home too.
Shota: I'm gonna be a bit late because of work. Don't panic, it's just paperwork.
'How' s it going with Y/N?' Hizashi nudged him all of a sudden, speaking as loudly as ever.
'It's okay I guess. She said she's feeling better now.' Aizawa tried to brush him off but ended up even more annoyed.
'I meant something else. You're gonna live together now, right?' his eyes behind the glasses gleamed with amusement.
'Just for this week.'
'C'mon, we all know how you feel about her. Go on and confess already.'
'What do you mean?' Aizawa tried to play dumb, but Hizashi had a trick up his sleeve.
'You told me and Kayama a while before our graduation that you like her, remember? It's been ages. Go on and take her, she's been single forever, probably waiting for you.'
'No way she's waiting for me.' yes, Hizashi was right, Aizawa had indeed told them. But Y/N waiting for him? There was no way she'd wait for such an emotional invalid like him. Yes, he was strong now, he could do all the things he wanted to do when they were younger, so he'd confess. But now the raven-haired man had realized that he needed much more than physical strength to be with her. She had to feel loved, comfortable, calm, appreciated. He had to be able to be affectionate, to comfort her, to help her with her quirk. Things he couldn't do before or now. He was always clumsy when it came to these things. Even with his students. She was an angel compared to him. Or anything else in the world. Aizawa thiught for a moment that he was probably living his worst nightmare.
'You gotta tell her, you know? What are you do if you don't? Always watch her happy with other men? Having a family with another man? Looking after their kids? Planning their wedding? What are you hoping to do as you keep it a secret from her?' Hizashi was strangely serious this time which made Aizawa shift in his seat as if he was getting scolded by a teacher.
'Nothing would change even if I told her, so it's okay.' he tried to escape again.
'Some things could change. Even if she doesn't love you back, she wouldn't cut ties with you or anything. You gotta try to change the way things are right now. I'm sure she has feelings for you too.'
'You can't be sure about such things.'
'Are you gonna hesitate again? For real?'
It was getting annoying. More than usual. He wasn't gonna hesistate a lot more anyway. It was just a complex matter. Or so he thought about it.
'No, I just wanna make it special, okay?' Aizawa spilled the beans finally, looking the other way.
'What better opportunity than right now? Surprise her somehow while you're at hers, she's gonna love it.'
Aizawa stayed silent. That was one of his thoughts before this morning. But right now he felt powerless and not good enough again. Yet the thought of her with another man stirred him up more than anything right now.
With these thoughts in his head, Aizawa went home. He almost went to his home for real but then snapped out of it.
Unlocking her door felt strangely pleasing, as if they were really living together. The apartment was quiet, meaning she was still sleeping. The man went straight to the kitchen. It smelled like a mixture of lavender, chamomile and cigarettes so he decided to open a window and let some fresh air in. On the table there were a few notes. One of them read:
Lunch - pork cutlet bowl
Dinner - curry
A small smile crept on his face as he went to his room to change. It was dark and messy there, a bit cold too, but that was just how he liked it. Yet, the sight on his bed was even more appealing. Curled up in his sheets, Y/N had laid her head on his pillow, sleeping peacefully where he slept last night. It felt sinful to disturb her sleep. He quietly changed out of his hero costume and sat down on the desk, turning on the desk lamp there. The light didn't disturb Y/N and he went on with the work he had to finish.
Her eyes slowly opened as she turned around in bed. Aizawa's smell hit her senses before the sight of him and the woman realized where she was and what was she doing. Y/N suddenly stood up, startling Aizawa who turned around to face her. And the sight of him startled her, making her face turn red slightly.
'Did you have another nightmare?' his voice finished her off. That was a lot of Aizawa right after waking up.
'N-no, I just... I'm sorry I slept here. It just feels safer than in the other room and yeah.' that was it, she felf like burying herself alive.
'Wanna switch then?' and the man was painfully oblivious.
'N-no, I mean, it feels safer because it's like you're here.' but her embarrassment would kill her before the burial.
'I see. Then you can sleep here all you want. Let me finish up this test and we' re gonna make dinner.'
'Okay, Shota.'
Y/N was about to stand up and go to her room when Aizawa suddenly  stood up. Didn't he say something about a test? Did she miss something? He sat on the bed and put his hand on top of her head again.
'Are you feeling better? No nightmares for real?'
'Yeah, no nightmares. It was a dreamless sleep.'
'Y/N I don't wanna bring it up but it's bugging me. What are your nightmares about?' a sigh escaped his lips as he put his hand down.
She stared blanly at him before processing why his black eyes were staring at her so intently. It was strange, being in this position and talking about such things.
But Y/N knew she'd have time to recover from everything so she told him everything. The way she was living her biggest nightmare too. The way her thoughts clouded her mind. The way her being alone triggered only such things. The way she feared that what happened to Shirakumo would happen to him too. But of course she saved her romantic feelings for herself. Yes, it was indeed a nightmare. For both of them.

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