11. Decisions

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Aizawa didn't remember falling asleep at all. But he didn't mind the sight he woke up to. Y/N was curled up against him, her face in his chest. She was still peacefully sleeping. The man took a strand of her hair and kissed her forehead. Playing with her hair, he lost himself in his thoughts.
Y/N was truly angelic when she was sleeping. Or any time at all. And he knew pretty well that it wasn't just his imagination. The woman was still surrounded by men. Men who saw her the same way as him. But none of them have loved her for so long. None of them have held back for so long. None of them were loved by her. And the fact that he knew now how she felt, made his thoughts take a different turn. Her love was his only. His love was hers only. And things should stay that way. They really were 10 years behind because of his hesitation. The realization made him want to be the only man she ever spoke to. Aizawa knew he was wrong to think that way. He was wrong to feel that way. The fact that she had in fact waited for him to grow the balls to confess was reassuring enough. She wouldn't just up and leave after all that time. There was no reason for him to be that jealous. But maybe he was just greedy for her love. He just didn't like the attention she got from other men and the time she spent with them. Because he wanted to be the only one she'd spend time with. But he was wrong to want that. Yet he needed it. It was a special need he had developed a long time ago. And now there was nothing to hold it back. Her love was like a drug and heck was he addicted to it. Her attention was a drug as a whole. Her presence. It was all wrong. But it was all true.
Soon she stirred in her sleep, opening her e/c eyes to look at him. Her gentle gaze reminded him how he'd never do anything she wouldn't approve of.
'Morning, Shota. Did you sleep well?' the woman smiled intertwining ghe fingers of his free hand with hers.
'Good morning, Y/N. I did, what about you?' his voice was low, almost a whisper.
'Like a log. I wouldn't mind it if I got a rest like that every night.' she giggled and then leaned in to peck his lips.
Good morning kisses were now a thing too. The thought made him smile and peck her lips a second time. Soon there was a third time. Then she giggled again.
' What are we gonna do today?' Y/N looked him in the eyes.
'Just stay like that.' he sighed and closed his eyes again.
'Are you tired?'
'No, I just wanna stay like that.'
That soft side of his was something entirely new. And Y/N loved it too.
After a while of silently staying like that, the woman shifted a bit, making him stir up.
'Do you want coffee?' Aizawa smiled, looking at her.
'Yeah, we're gonna come back and cuddle after that.' she grinned sheepishly, freeing her hand from his and standing up.
Aizawa followed her lazily, tying his hair in a bun while walking around. Y/N was humming something while making coffee, as the man sat on the couch and checked his phone. Of course ignoring Kayama and Hizashi's messages. He wanted to have a blissful morning with Y/N. Said woman put a cup of coffee in front of him and sat beside him, laying her head on his shoulder, staring at the screen too.
'Why don't you answer? They want to know.'
'Yeah, let's deal with that tomorrow at work.' Aizawa put away his phone and kissed the top of her head.
'Pass me the cigarettes.' she yawned, straightening herself up.
After lighting a cigarette, Y/N pecked the man's lips again, unable to hold back.
'I have to go back to work tomorrow. Ugh.' her head throbbed at the thought of the amount of work she'd have after such a long leave.
'I have to grade tests tonight.' Aizawa sighed and took a sip from his coffee.
'You give the kids too much trouble, Shota. It wouldn't hurt to have a week with no tests.'
'No way they are gonna learn something that way.' the man put his hand around her shoulders, pulling her closer.
'Yeah, plus ultra.' the woman laughed loudly before gluing her eyes to the ceiling.
'Don't say that anymore, please.' Aizawa kissed her cheek and then laid back in the couch, making himself comfortable.
Y/N put her ashtray on the couch before following his lead and leaning back too.
'Are you gonna move out now?' in her ears, Y/N sounded too needy. Too greedy. But she really wanted to be around him all the time. And she really was okay with anything he decided as long as he was happy. But she had her special needs too.
'I think I'll have to. I don't wanna rush anything.' Aizawa on the other hand was afraid to sound needy and lied, for the sake of decency.
'I see.' she sighed and put out her cigarette.
'What is it?'
'I don't know, I just think that we've slowed things down enough. But anything you decide is okay.' the woman smiled, looking at him.
'Don't say things like that.' Y/N was really pulling on his restraints, making him lose control of his desires.
'Why?' her smug smirk indicated only trouble.
'I wanna be able to hold back.' the man leaned in again, intending to only peck her lips.
But she was quick to put her hands on the back of his head, restraining him as their lips locket for long enough for Aizawa to give in. He licked her bottom lip and the woman granted him access. Their tongues fought as their lips danced together in sync until Y/N gave out and pulled away panting slightly. Not like she didn't know how to breath while kissing, Aizawa just had that effect on her.
'I told you I want to hold back.' he sighed, looking away.
'But you know I love giving you trouble and teasing you.' Y/N giggled, moving her ashtray to the table again.
The moment she turned back to face him, he locked their lips in another heated kiss. Holding back when she was a tease really was near impossible. And she was just so sweet.
Not teasing him when she saw how much he was trying to be decent was near impossible. Especially when his taste was so intoxicating. Especially after waiting for 11 years. Especially when he was right there and felt the same. And while they were kissing yet again, Y/N decided that she was going to love him even more unconditionally than before. Because she just needed him that much.

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