2. Spicing Things Up

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Y/N L/N was not that type of person who would usually come up with an idea like that. It's not like she didn't like having fun, but the woman had no time to do that. On the other hand, whenever Y/N had time she preferred spending time with Aizawa. But the other day a strange idea flooded her mind.
Y/N got to her car, where Aizawa was already waiting for her. The last student she had a session with had kept her busy and she was clearly tired.
'Are you okay?' the man looked at her with his usual blank and tired face.
'Yeah, just tired. You should swap with me and become the funny one now.' Y/N smiled as she got in her car, followed by Aizawa.
'Stop talking nonsense and start resting.'
'But it's not like I have the time to do so. You too.'
'You don't have the time because you chose to start a second job at an orphanage, which was totally unnecessary.' Aizawa made himself comfortable, ready to drift off into a slumber.
'It was, Aizawa. Jesus, do you know what these kids are going through?'
'No and I don't think I want to. But there sure are many more people with a similar quirk who could help without you having to risk your health.'
'Why is it so important to you tho? You risk your health all the time too. Don't make me bring up real situations.'
Aizawa decided he didn't want to answer that question. She was right but he had a point too. The problem was only that he'd have to explain more than he wanted if he had to back up his point. On the other hand, that peaceful ride home was a rare occasion for a good nap.
'Hey, Shota... Do you think we should spice up out lives a bit?' Y/N broke the silence, causing the man to open his eyes.
'What do you mean?'
'Well, lately it's all work, home, work, home... It's boring and tiresome. Plus, we're both 27 and single, we should probably start thinking about that.' her soft chuckle rang in his ears.
'I like it the way it is. And I'm not interested in partner hunting. But I can keep you company.'
'Really?' the woman looked at him for a second, eyes filled with shock. 'Even if I say I wanna go to a loud bar or a concert? Or the mall? Or a playground?'
'I said I'd keep you company but don't go over board. You can make me go to one of these from time to time but I'm not Hizashi.' his hands were folded in front of his chest as he frowned in her direction.
'That was unexpected, I'm happy with going from to time only anyway.' a big grin has found it's way to her plump lips.
'I can have fun too, you know, I've already made a lot of time to meet up with you.' the man averted his gaze, looking out the window. They were pretty close to their destination already.
End of flashback
A few months ago, Y/N had started work at an orphanage as a therapist for the children there. It was an offer from a friend of hers and she felt like she couldn't refuse. But now she was having some second thoughts, thanks to Aizawa who wouldn't stop criticizing her decision. They were currently in her office, it was lunch break and as per usual they were eating there. Well, Aizawa was sleeping usually, but today they were having a serious conversation about her condition lately. He was worried about the bags under her eyes, the constant dissociating, the fact that she'd lost weight. Lately, the woman was less bubbly and easily distracted. Her appearance and behavior had worried not only him, but all of U. A.'s staff as well as her parents. But everyone knew she'd listen to Aizawa only, since no matter how kind and caring she was, the woman did nothing to take care of herself. Yes, Y/N was clearly self-sacrifical, probably because of her quirk. Speaking of it, Aizawa believed that it was the cause of her state.
Y/N's superhuman power was nothing flashy. She could feel the energy around her and read it with no mistake, which was all fun and games when the energy was positive. But even in a society where heroes were battling on the frontline for various reasons, there was a lot of negative energy everywhere. And in her line of work it was domineering. When it came to different people's energy, Y/N was precise in connecting it with different emotions and helping the people deal with both. But it all took a toll on her body. Every energy she felt was like her own, making her take a lot more weight on than an average person. The more she used her quirk and dealt with negative energies, the more her body was taking damage, as well as her mind. Depressive states, no appetite, insomnia, constant fatigue - those were the most common side effect of overuse. But Y/N's quirk was not something she could turn off, meaning she had to look after herself.
'That's why I'm telling you you should quit. There's no point in doing something for people when they'd only feel bad about being a burden to you. Think about it from more than one point of view.' Aizawa was slightly irritated by now, since they'd had the conversation countless times.
'I understand, Shota, but... I'm doing this for more than one reason.' the woman sighed, finally speaking up.
'And the other reason is?'
'You know... We're both 27 and single. I go home to a big empty apartment, wondering what would it be like if I had a family of my own, or even a boyfriend. I can't bug you to go out all the time and whenever I go to my patents' place they always ask about that... That's why I wanted to spice things up in our lives.' her e/c eyes were glued to her untouched bento. It was not a lie, at least not a complete one. The woman just couldn't bring herself to tell him that she'd been single all this time because of her feelings towards him. And that she was constantly fighting with them lately, wondering if he'd ever return them or she was gonna end up as the rich aunt that has no kids.
'Overworking yourself won't do the trick. You wanted to spice things up, right? You're gonna need time to do that.' Aizawa looked away. Was now a good time to tell her his feelings? No, of course not... But there was that fear of her finding someone else before he found the perfect moment.
'You have a point, Shota... A good one at that. Maybe I'll just call Aiko and tell her that I can't go anymore...' a heavy mood filled the room. There was much more than she was saying and the man knew it. He understood everything and didn't even need her to voice it. Except for the partner part, Aizawa was a lost puppy when it came to love towards a partner.
'You'll need a lot of time to recover, why not leave the fun for later?'
'You're right. I should just rest for the next week, probably take a couple of days off U. A. too. 4 months of going over my limits is not a thing to be taken lightly.' Y/N warm smile was like a bright sun on a stormy day to Aizawa. He smiled lightly too, looking at her.
The silence that filled the room was pleasant. The man had almost drifter off to sleep as Y/N was trying to eat at least half of her bento. It was already Friday so she'd have to go to the orphanage this weekend too, as well as tonight, but they were both okay with that. Aizawa was calm as long as she was going to be okay in the end. Or that's what he thought just before her voice reached his ears.
'Shota... Do you think you can spend a few days at mine? Just to look after me and make sure that I'm sleeping and eating well.' her face was flushed, her hands were trembling as she was fiddling with her fingers. Y/N was clearly uncomfortable with that question.' I'd return to my parents' place but Kei was just born and I don't think there'd be any use of going there.'
' Kei? ' the shock that filled Aizawa' s mind made him jerk up in his seat and ask a unrelated question, but Y/N better than to get mad.
'Yeah, my bother' s son. Remember? He got married 2 years ago but lives with his wife at my parents' place.' on top of that he was younger than her which was like salt in the wound.
'Yeah, there was something like that...' the man looked away and sighed.
Y/N giggled and waved her hand in front of her face.
'If you don't want to stay at mine, I ask Kayama, you know?'
Was he supposed to say okay or go to hers for a few days? What was the best option? Wouldn't something happen if they lived together for some time? But would it be bad if something happened? All kinds of questions filled his mind as he stared blankly at some papers on her desk.
'Shota, are you okay? It feels as if I just told you that I'm pregnant.' her laugh was kind of calming. Her words on the other hand stirred him up even more.
'No, ugh, it's alright. I'll come help you out.' sometimes he wondered if his actual quirk wasn't hesitation. Or regrets.
'I asked you because you've spent the night at mine before and you can also erase my quirk if I feel something negative bugging me. And I'm used to your calm energy.' Y/N smile was reassuring now.
'My energy is calm? I thought it was a negative ball.' a light chuckle escaped him.
'If that was so, I'd have ran away from you a long time ago.'
And that was the start of their hellish week as roommates. Just as they both wished.

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