8.Rushing Things

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Never did he think that holding back would be so hard. But Y/N was great at surprising him. And giving him trouble. Confessing seemed more annoying than ever now. Especially after the whole day with Kayama and Hizashi. They made a great deal out of it, for people who knew his feelings.
'How youthful! To think that YOU'd be the one having trouble confessing.' Kayama giggled while nudging Hizashi.
'YEAH! I honestly thought that you'd never confess.'
'He just needed a good push. I guess Y/N finally drove him off the edge.'
'Yeah, yeah. Can we move to the point, we're wasting time.' Aizawa averted his eyes, sighing.
'Oh, you're embarrassed now. How sweet!' Kayama pulled out her bento and a few sheets.
'OH YEAH! LET'S START THE PLAN!' Hizashi put his hands in the air, seemingly pumped up about the whole thing.
Y/N'd left a note on Aizawa's bento that read: 'Eat up or we're not watching a movie tonight. You need to rest after that too.'
A smile spread across his lips, recalling his words from last night. And the wish to repeat the movie night, which he voiced. And that made Y/N more exited than ever.
'He's really head over heels for her, huh?' Hizashi whispered in Kayama's ear as she beamed with eagerness to get them together.
End of Flashback
Of course, both Hizashi and Kayama knew that Y/N was head over heels for Aizawa too. But no matter how much they convinced her to confess, she' d always refuse saying something like 'He's not interested in partner hunting.'. But tonight Y/N seemed to think otherwise. She had a major in psychology after all. Even without feeling his energy, she could guess that he was more comfortable around her. And his behavior lately really got her hopes up. As well as all of Kayama' s speeches about love and Hizashi's constant tips about how to act around him. Y/N had texted them both about Aizawa living with her for a few days and asked them both for tips on how to get him to like her. Finally. But they never spilled the beans to Y/N, or Aizawa.
This led to that and holding back was harder than ever for both of them. Y/N was drinking red wine, an open bottle on the floor, next to her big wine glass. Aizawa was drinking beer, a few cans on the floor. Before they knew it, they were laying down on the couch, while Spirited Away was playing on the big TV. The table was moved away so that it wouldn't get in the way. Of course, Aizawa didn't dare to wrap an arm around her waist. But he was itching so bad to do so it physically hurt him. And the alcohol in his sistem wasn't helping at all. His stomach was like a ball kicked around, all tied up, his throat was dry, his thoughts were hazy and constantly flied towards warping her in his embrace. He had propped himself up on his elbow, having perfect view of her small form next to him. She was so close, her scent was filling his senses with even more sinful thoughts. Her h/c hair was flowing on her shoulders, waiting for him to play with it. Her gentle fingers were holding a cigarette, inviting him to get a hold of her hand. Her plump lips were exhaling smoke, tempting him to kiss them. And oh was it hard to hold back from doing all that at once. But he knew better than rushing things.
On the other hand, Y/N couldn't help but wish to close the small gap between their bodies. His warmth was so inviting. His scent was intoxicating. Every move he made, no matter how small, made her skin crawl in a pleasant way. She needed this proximity more than anything. Not only now. And wine was a lot more intoxicating than beer. Especially when mixed with cigarettes. Her third glass made her thoughts irrational. The woman never wanted to rush things and scare him. But how could she hold back when she was basically imagining his taste instead of watching the movie. So somewhere in the middle of the movie she shifted. Slightly, gently, as if just making herself comfortable. But it was enough to press her body against his. The pleasant feeling of his toned upper body against her back, separated only by two T-shirts, made a deep sigh escape her lips. A smile found it's way on her lips and she nuzzled against the pillow they brought from her bedroom early on.
And that was all the push the man needed. His breathing hitched in surprise but bliss soon washed over him. She was so close, so warm, so sweet. Holding back was something impossible at this point. Aizawa's arm moved on it's own, warping around her small waist. Pulling her closer. His cheeks were warm, his mind even hazier than before. This was the proximity he so desired. He so needed. And of course the man wished for more.
Y/N's content smile and the way she slightly shifted to actually fit perfectly against his body gave away the fact that she was enjoying it too. But instead of easing his mind, this made him want even more of her. But they both knew better than that. The silent agreement to stay like this was clear as day.
And now Aizawa's doubts about his confession were gone. And now her doubts about his feelings were gone.
The movie was over before they knew it. And neighter of them liked that. So neighter of them dared to move. The secure feeling of his arm around her waist was all that she needed to feel now.
His other hand found it's way to her hair, combing through it gently. Another content sigh. Neighter of them could think at this point. Of course they were rushing things and giving their feelings away. Neighter of them was dumb.
'Wanna go to bed?' his voice was hoarse and soothing, just like in the mornings. His touch was a bliss, sending shievers down her spine. She didn't want to part with him ever again.
'No. Let's sleep here.' before her thoughts were processed they had left her lips. Her eyes were closed, giving away how peaceful she was.
'We're gonna freeze here. It's still January.' of course he didn't want to leave her. But he didn't want her to get sick too.
'We're in our T-Shirts, the apartment is warm enough.' Y/N nuzzled her cheek against the pillow.
'Lift up your head a bit.' he didn't need to explain why.
After a bit of shifting, he was fully lying behind her, his arm still around her waist, his other arm under her head, his face was nuzzled in the back of her neck, taking in her smell. Y/N nuzzled her cheek against his palm, rough to the touch but filled with gentleness. Their bodies were pressed against each other, leaving no space for air.
'Are we gonna regret this when we wake up?' her voice was soft like her hair.
'I'm not sure. Rushing things up is a risky thing.' his breath tickled her ear.
'Risks are needed to succeed.' he could hear her smirk.
'Don't. Say. That.'
Y/N was about to finish with 'Plus Ultra', ruining the moment. But Aizawa knew her well enough.
'Good night, Shota.'
'Good night, Y/N.'
But after 10 years of doubt and hesistation, were they really rushing things? Or were they just slow and blind?

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