🌹7~ Placebo effect 🌹

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"So, you want a lucky boutonniere?" Namjoon repeated, wiping his face with a cloth, he was exhausted. The store had been busy throughout the whole morning and the human hadn't sat down since the store had opened. There were many worshipers who wanted fresh flowers and had lined up early before the store had opened in order to purchase the best ones. Not that Seokjin would allow any flowers or crops to wither in his presence. But that left the afternoon for some very peculiar requests. The floral shop Enna that Namjoon and Seokjin had opened had turned into an apothecary to cure the strangest desires.

This included the request of the man before them. He was dressed in armour that appeared to be on the verge of falling apart. Seokjin could smell soot as if the man had been camping in the mines. And if Namjoon hadn't been in the shop with them, the Goddess would have used his powers to throw this man into the lake to get rid of the stench. The customer nodded. "Yes, I'm going to be a hero that is worshipped throughout the years because of my own legends. And the little meadow of Enna is said to be the best place to buy your luck."

"Little?" Seokjin's voice raised upon hearing the insult. He glared at the man. Even if Namjoon was here, he would throw this man deep into the Kingdom of Poseidon. Where no humans would dare return from. "This isn't-"

Namjoon coughed to ease the tension in the room. He glanced at Seokjin, his eyes softened, the Goddess couldn't find it in him to reveal his temper to the human who had been his companion. However, he could never understand Namjoon's patience towards stupidity. "Legends, did you say?" Namjoon seemed interested and if it were an act, then Seokjin would have been fooled as well.

The Goddess of Harvest took a deep breath to calm himself and when he felt like he had regained an inch of patience he smiled at the keen adventurer once again. "Like what?" Seokjin asked curiously. There was one thing that never changed between the humans he met, they were funny little beings and Seokjin wanted to be humoured.

The man was excited, his eyes glowed as he began to explain his ambitions. "I want to fight a mythical creature that appears to be as fierce as a lion, with the body of a goat, that has a venomous tail of twin snakes and the speed and charging power of an enormous bull with bloodshot eyes. Then I would like to sail over the vast Kingdom of Poseidon and meet beautiful sirens who are rumoured to have the upper body of a human but instead of legs they have powerful tails like a large fish. Then once they lure you into the sea, you find they are actually evil creatures that want to kill you. Or I want to-." The man continued to ramble on and Seokjin was beginning to think this man would have earnt a lot more money if he were a story teller.

"I'll make sure to put that in the suggestion chest at the next summit on Mount Olympus." Seokjin mused. "The world needs potent beasts to entertain the humans." The Goddess glanced at Namjoon to see if he was laughing too. But Namjoon wore an uneasy expression, the joke had went over his head completely. Instead he shook his head disapprovingly. Seokjin frowned. This human took things too seriously. Then again, not many humans had the right kind of humour Seokjin thought quietly.

"What was your name again?" Namjoon asked.

"Leonidas. The son of Hades."

Seokjin broke into a laughing fit, he instantly felt air trap in his throat from how quickly he was gasping for breath. He slapped the table as he clutched onto Namjoon for strength. There had been many humans claiming to be born from the Gods. Seokjin would have pretended to believe it if he hadn't know Hades well. But no matter how much Seokjin thought about it, Hades was the one God that wouldn't involve himself with relationships. The God was unromantic and unlikely to have any offspring at all. It was against his nature as King of the Dead. The very idea of life forming in his presence was irony, it was impossible to even consider. "I don't believe you. Try again." The Goddess crossed his arms disapprovingly. If you were going to lie, you should do it correctly.

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