Royalty AU

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Mate, I'm not usually a big fan of AU's but idk why but SOC just changes that for me. Also idk how but Nina became the main character for this oneshot when it was originally gonna be kanej and tbh I'm not even mad about it.

"Nina Zenik!" Nina rolled her eyes, here was another cook who thought they had the right to tell her off.

"What?" She said turning to face the disheveled lady.

"You keep sneaking in here to eat the waffles! I have not had a break for 17 years. They are for dessert. You know that the esteemed lord Jan Van Eck and his son are coming over. If I see you here one more time I will report you to your mother" Nina giggled, "that is not an empty threat Princess!" The cook called as Nina left the room.

She was excited to see the lords son, Wylan, again and sneak off to get up to all kinds of mischief, even if he was a bit reluctant. But she knew if she didn't prepare herself for visitors she would never even get the chance so she slowly dragged herself to her room. Inside a beautiful red dress lay on her bed, with long sleeves ending in cuffs, a corset you tied with a stark white ribbon and layers of tool ruffles that sat close to her legs and only slightly puffed out. So it was a dress she couldn't get into her self which meant more servants than were necessary in her room. It's not that she minded all too much, she got along quite well with almost any person she interacted with but it did mean her talented acrobatic best friend couldn't climb through the window and talk with her before she had to be subjected to boring, and helpless conversations about how she needed to stay away from 'that prince of the opposition.'

Oh well at least she had Wylan and his presence always made spirts lift. He seemed to be the only person from a 'respectable' family that didn't shove boring royal customs down her throat.

"Princess Zenik?" A timid voice called from outside her room.

"Come in" she called back cheerily.


Only when the brown haired girl was all ready, her hair in curls, her dress on and arranged nicely, her makeup perfect, was she allowed to go downstairs and greet her visitors. She noticed that Jan Van Eck had a new girl on his arm. Not woman. Girl. 

"Afternoon your royal highness, princess of this land" Van Eck gave a overly exaggerated bow.

"And who's this lovely young lady next to you?" She questioned and winked at Wylan who rolled his eyes.

"Hello! I'm Alys" the girl on Van Eck's arm gave Nina a cheery wave and she almost felt bad.

"Lovely to meet you" she smiled, "now if it's no bother I must steal Wylan away I have some serious matters to discuss with him." She didn't wait for a response and instead took Wylans arm and led him to the garden, away from prying nature of the palace's hungry eyes and into a secretive path that led out of the property.

"Where are we going today?" Wylan asked ducking hid head and almost getting caught on a branch.

"Out to the circus" she was holding the bottom of her dress and trying not to step in the really muddy parts so as not to dirty her heels.

"The circus?"

"I have a friend there, I think you'll like her. Oh and we might see Jesper again" Wylan scowled at her as she laughed.

"It doesn't bother me if we come across him or not. But I'd like to meet your circus friend, what do they do there?"

"She's an acrobat."

"Is she good?"

"The best" Nina stepped out into the hustle and bustle of the kingdoms main square and almost lost Wylan. The first time they had snuck out Wylan had been worried someone might recognise Nina but the people only seemed to pay attention to big spectacles so they were able to walk through the streets unnoticed. Just like today, well just like today until-

"Nina darling! Oh and I see you've brought Van sunshine. It's my lucky day" Jesper flashed his impossibly white teeth at the pair in a charming smile. Wylan blushed, just like every other time Jesper did, well, anything.

"Stop it Jes, I don't want my only bearable companion fainting on me" Nina elbowed Jesper lightly in the ribs.

"Hey!" Wylan and Jesper said at the same time.

"Oh good we're already in sync! That's helpful when you plan on spending a lot of time together" Jesper winked at Wylan, who flushed agian. "It's fun to see you blush, sunshine."

"Fun for you maybe" Wylan grumbled.

"As much as I love your company Jesper, I might get my head chopped off if I get caught outside the palace another time, and we have places to be."

"Ah Nina sweet, I think you might be about to get your head chopped off, that guard is walking our way."

"Oh crap. Wylan, we must run!" Nina grabbed Wylans hand and waved goodbye to Jesper with her other hand. The pair ran through the crowd bumping citizens, this way and that and knocking over goods that sat in precarious places in the market.

"There!" A guard called out and pointed in Nina and Wylans direction. Two more guards joined the chase and at the same time Wylan ran into a cow and stumbled, knocking over a barrel of apples. 

"They're catching up" Nina said pulling helping Wylan up and turning sideways. Soon she was out of breath. "In. Here" she said catching her breath and pulling Wylan into an alley.

"Down that alley!"

The runaways crept into an old abandoned building and hid behind shredded cloth and rubble. They were both struggling a bit to breathe and both had stupid, grins on their faces. Nina brought one finger up to her mouth to say shh and leaned against a wooden beam, they heard the guards run by their hiding spot and yell.

"If I have to chase that Kaz Brekker down an alleyway one more time I swear I will quit my job."

Nina burst into a fit of giggles and tried to keep quiet, even though the guards ended up not chasing them, but Jespers favourite criminal to hang around, they still weren't meant to be out of the palace. When they were sure they could leave they crept out of their hiding spot and walked back through the marketplace towards the travelling circus.

When they arrived they didn't have to wait long before Inej crept up behind them and startled them both. "Afternoon Nina and?" She looked at Wylan.


"Inej. Would you like a snack?" Inej said leading them both towards a fire with logs around it where some other performers were sat. 

"Would I ever" Nina said following her closely

Bruh I can't end stories and I kinda gave up on this, I had more planned and might make a part two but that was enough for now haha.

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