15. Who are you?

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Leona's P.O.V

Having dinner with One Direction wasn't on my list.

Yeah, I just said One Direction. The biggest boyband where all the girls wishes to be their girlfriends.

What even am I saying? 5 Seconds Of Summer is even following their trails.

Now, I'm sitting quietly on my seat just trying to admire the food on my plate. But I feel guilty on how I feel like I've been eavesdropping to their conversation since I got here. I guess, this isn't a good idea for me after all.

I need to find a way to at least excuse myself so that they'll have a proper conversation.

Once I finish my dessert while they're still talking, I decided to silently leave. That means, I stand up from my seat and was about to leave until someone interrupted me with my mission. Damn it.

"Where you going?" Harry ask with his thick british accent.

"Um... to the livingroom?" I likely more ask.

Then everyone's eyes snap on me. I swear, this keeps on going on and on.

"Okay. Back to where our conversation is going..." Luke interrupted with the whole awkward tension that everyone can feel.

I'm thankful he did but at the same time, everyone keeps on glancing back at me and him. Seriously, there is nothing going on between us. Well maybe but at the moment, I don't even know.

So I stood up and went to the couch. The tv is open but my mind is somewhere else.

Suddenly I feel someone nudging me on my side.

When I took a look to who it was, it was... Harry?

"You've been zoning out for 5 mins since I was here trying to talk to you" Harry chuckled.

"Sorry. I didn't realize?" I said. I don't even have a good excuse. Nice one Leona.

"It's alright. You weren't that happy girl when I met you on skype" he stated.

I gave him a confuse look but he only shrug. Clearly he is good at reading people so quick.

I only talk to him once through skype but I never knew that he would be so... Friendly. Of course he is I told myself.

"Anyways, why are you here? Weren't you suppose with the boys? You know to catch up" I stated.

"Tell me, you don't want my company do you?" He smirk. I swear, can his accent get any stronger?

"I didn't say that. I was just wondering" I shrug.

"Sure you are" he reply still his smirk never left his face.

I feel odd being with Harry Styles. He has this vibe of getting girls to like him very easily or it's just that sexy smile of his.

Yeah, I just said sexy smile. But until now I'm still not in the mood. Luke is still pissing me off and I seriously want to confront him but I can't.

"So Leona, while you're still here until tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanna hang out at lunch you know" he ask me whislt fidgeting with his fingers.

What?! I thought. Did he just? Oh no he didn't. I keep on arguing in my thoughts and I think he notice it.

"Oh. It's not a date or anything" he started to add and I can't help it but to find that cute.

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