16. Shop till you drop

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Leona's P.O.V

'It's not a date'

That keeps on replaying in my head last night.

That's what Harry said too! So why am I worrying about this?

'You're not worrying about hanging out with Harry. You're more worried about Luke and his date' my subconscious reminded me.

Fuck. I don't even want to think about his date. It's his date. Surely it's none of my business.

However, half of me hopes that it wouldn't go well. You're such a bitch Leona I told myself.

But I couldn't help to think that because I like him so much. And it hurts to know why his having a date with that girl instead of me?

I even sound like a whiny bitch right now I thought.

And now, I got out of my thoughts when Harry stop the engine.

"Never knew Leona would be so quiet" he stated.

"Oi! I heard that" I cross my arm after unbuckling my seatbelt.

"You were suppose to hear that" he chuckled.

I roll my eyes and gave him the 'whatever' look.

"So why are we actually here? You know that I have to open up for the 5 seconds of summer concert later" I reminded him.

"You can say boys instead their official name you know" he shrug.

"Well I like to keep it that way" I blankly said. I don't know why but I taken his comment too seriously but thankfully that didn't urge him to go further about the topic.

"Anyways, I want to shop because I seriously need to buy more skinny jeans" he said like a girl which made me giggle.

"And let me guess, I would be the judge whether it suits you or not like in the movies?" I smirk.

"That pretty much sums it up" he nodded while grinning.

"Look Harry, I'm sorry for being so serious and just snapping to you so suddenly. I promise I won't be in that trance anytime soon" I told him sincerely.

"Nothing to say sorry Leona. But anyways, we better get going unless those skinny jeans has legs on it's own and it would be out of stock" he got out of the car whilst I followed him behind.

Entering the mall, I feel like a normal person again. Not because something happend to me but like, for once I live normal. No fans stalking you or cameras taking pictures of you too.

"Okay. So what shop are you mostly buying your skinny jeans?" I ask.

"Why suddenly so interested about it?" He raise his eyebrow and I just shrug.

Once we got in, I didn't expect him to actually act like a girl when we shop.

He went to jeans section immediately and pick up like 10 jeans on his arms and I swear, if he picks up more, everything will fall.

"Need help?" I pop up and he freaked out. Geez, as if I was gonna steal what he was buying but nope. No one's here that are their customers except for us.

"Don't scare me like that" he sound annoyed but couldn't help to admire his accent. It's always his accent that I find it amusing.

"Whatever. But I'll just be sitting there and walk out with every jean you wear like a model" I joke around.

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