Chapter 16

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My sleep is haunted by the memories of all of the people that died around me. All of the people that lost their lives because of me.

In one nightmare the wolf mutts are back, chasing me through the forest. I shoot each one just to save myself. I shoot the mutt versions of Finnick, Cinna, Boggs, even little Rue. It feels like something dies inside of me with every arrow connecting with mutt flesh. I wake sobbing to be calmed by Peeta's arms and I drift back off to sleep.

In another I am witnessing someone that has been hijacked on a rage through District 13. It's not Peeta but a woman. I watch them strangle each and everyone of my loved ones. Prim is the last of them and I watch her suffocate under the hands of the crazed girl. The girl turns into the light and I see that it is me. Blood drips from my lips and my hair is in a tangled mess. I wake up screaming and swear that I can see her black eyes watching me. I am calmed by Peeta again and I fall asleep for a second time.

I am standing on the stage in the Capitol for the tribute interviews. I start to spin in circles and my dress catches fire. The crowd oohs and aaahs at the flames licking my dress. I stop twirling but the flames don't die. Instead they grow out of control and engulf my body. I scream in agony as layers and layers of my skin are seared off. My body becomes one with the raging flame.

Cinna and Finnick rush forwards to help me but the flames from my body leap forward to home onto their skin, taking the life from them. I try to scream but I can't. My lungs are now pure smoke. Next Rue tries to help but the same happens to her. The flames erupt over her skin and she cries in pain.

One after another, people try to help me but die in my flames. Boggs, Leeg, Marvel, Glimmer, my father, Castor, Messala, Mags, Wiress. On and on it goes. They all die trying to help me. The flame somehow manages to double in size with each victim it takes.

I watch in horror as Prim runs towards me. I scream as loud as my body will let me and motion for her to stop. But she doesn't. I doubt that she can hear me over the raging flame. Her body bursts into flames. I scream one last time and let my body go limp, letting the flame take my body.

~Peeta POV~

I've never seen her have a nightmare this bad. She thrashes from side to side in the bed occasionally hitting me. I call her name and shake her body but she doesn't respond to me no matter what I do. She screams louder than I have ever heard her scream before. Screams that shake the house and break my heart.

With one last scream her body goes limp and her eyes open. Even though she is now awake she continues to sob and scream. She never does this. This must have been a really bad nightmare. I sit leaning on the headboard and try to pull her onto my lap but she is thrashing too much.

"Katniss! It's okay! It was just a nightmare!" But she doesn't calm down. I don't even think she heard me. I try different things to calm her down but nothing is working. I hold her face and whisper calming things in her ear but she doesn't calm. I try caressing her face and brushing back her hair but she doesn't calm. I even try just holding her body in my arms and seeing if she calms down by herself but it doesn't work. She just wails louder and more hysterically. I'm crying with her by this stage.

"Katniss! Come on Katniss! It's okay," I sob.

What do I do! There is one more thing that I could try but it would be selfish. But nothing else is working and I'm getting desperate. Might as well try it.

I grab her face in my hands and stop her screams with my lips.

She stops still and the whole world goes silent.

I break away and she looks up at me for a few seconds. She grabs my neck and pulls me closer to her. Our lips collide again. All thoughts of Katniss' nightmare are wiped from our minds. The kiss deepens and I feel electricity spark inside of us. I place my hands on her waist and pull her closer to me, closing the gap between our bodies.

~Katniss POV~

I feel the same hunger that overtook me on the beach take over my body again. It starts in the pit of my stomach and spreads to my fingers and toes. I break away for air and he holds my face in his hands.

"You love me. Real or not real?"

It takes me a while to realise what he said but when I do I reply without hesitation.


Sorry for uploading so many chapters in one day but I felt bad for leaving you with such a depressing one on New Years Day!! I hope you liked this chapter. I have been looking forward to writing it since I first started this story. I'm not sure I like how or when I did it but oh well. Hope it's okay 😬 PICTURE ABOVE CREDIT: Tigris92 on IG GO FOLLOW HER HER EDITS ARE FCKING AMAZING

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