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n o t  s o  h a p p y  c a m p e r sfluff imagine part one

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n o t  s o  h a p p y  c a m p e r s
fluff imagine
part one

The Team had been going through some extremely stressful missions and Batman thought it would be a good idea to send you guys on a camping trip. Of all places, camping, you never hated anything more. You were even one of batman's protege, you at least though he would've known you better. Bugs grossed you out and just the whole idea in sleeping in a tent, basically on the dirt. If anything this tip was going to stress you out even more.  Although, you only decided to go on this trip was to get closer to Bart aka Impulse.
You and him had been in the talking stage for the longest time and you both had acknowledged your mutual crushes on each other yet nothing exciting has ever happened. You hoped that would change on this trip.
"When did you become so good at setting up tents?" You ask Jamie, who took charge in setting them up. He shrugged, explaining how the bug on his back seemed to be a great survivalist. Just as he said that, one of the tent poles snapped in half. You felt snappy, but maybe it was because of the conditions you were in.
"So now we're short a tent." You snarled, as Bart put his hands on your shoulder from behind. You felt butterflies when he touched you, "don't worry Y/N, we can share a tent. Right?" He asked you, no one else had picked up on the thing the two of you had going. "Right," you mutter scratching your arm, that already had a bug bite. "How long are we supposed to be on this 'retreat?'"
"The whole long weekend." Tim added, taking over for Jamie to set up the tents. You groaned. It was the first day of the three day weekend, you hated it Bart's hands lifted from your shoulders and moved around your waist, he rested his chin on your shoulder, trying to get you to relax.
Sighing, you tried to change the mood,  "so what's first on the itinerary?"
"Well first we set up camp, it'll be evenin by then, so maybe campfire?" You nodded. Just wanting to get this stupid trip over with.

It was evening and the team sat around the campfire. You sat close to Bart as Tim passed around marshmallows to roast. You leaned against Bart and he wrapped his arms around you. Gar rubbed his hands together as he chuckled, getting ready to tell the team a scary story.
The flames went up and vcast shadow's on his green skin as he went on and on about the horrid tale of a serial killed with knives for hands. Scared, you curled into Bart, who only laughed at your silly fear. You grumbled as he kept teasing you.

Your belly was filled with smores as you lay in the tent you where now sharing with Bart. Even inside the sleeping bag, you were still shivering. Bart, on the other hand, sat up reading a book. He looked at you and took a deep breath before saying anything.
"Hey, y/n, are you cold?" He asked, placing the book mark inside his book and putting it aside. You rolled over to face him and nodded your head, "this sleeping bag is so useless." Bart straightened his back, "come here." He stated. You raised an eyebrow. "What?
"Trust me, come over here." You nodded, getting out of your sleeping bag and into Bart's. You wanted to get closer, but this ain't exactly what you meant.
As you lay down, Bart wrapped his arms around guy and instantly you began to heat up. You were basically turning as you snuggling in.
"How are you so warm?" You ask him, as you close your eyes, happy that you weren't shivering anymore. 
"My body vibrates so fast that it warms me up." He explained but you had tuned him out, obsessed with the comfort he brought you. You wrapped one of your legs over his torso, getting as close as possible. Bart looked down and smiled at how comfortable you had become. 
The two of you were about to fall asleep until there was russling coming from the woods. Bart's head shot up, as you clutched onto him, remembering the story Garfield had told them. 
"What was that?" You asked, Bart shrugged, rubbing circles into your back. 
"It was probably Gar playing a prank." He tried to ease your mind, you nodded, resting your head back onto his chest. 
Everything was fine until..... snap!

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