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c a l l  m e  m a y b e ?fluff imagine requested

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c a l l m e m a y b e ?
fluff imagine

You had a job at an ice cream shop and when summer came you were swarmed with customers. Although, one customer stood out in particular. You had picked up that his name was Dick and he was a real treat to look at.
He was a regular customer, a great tipper and you were starting to develop a crush on him. So, on the Saturday afternoon that he came in, you already knew his order.
"Hey Dick!" You greeted, warming up the spoon to scoop out the ice cream. He smiled back at you, which made your heart fluster. The two of you were on a first name basis but you didn't know anything about him, you didn't even have his number. It sucked.
"The usual?" You double checked before getting the cone ready. Dick nodded, aws you went to work. "One scoop vanilla, one scoop cookie dough with gummy bears!" You passed it to him as he readied his cash, placing a few dollars into the tip jar.
"Thanks so much, y/n." He said, about to walk away. Your heart raced, you'd been thinking about his moment for such a long time and now seemed like the perfect moment to act.
"Wait!" You stopped him. Dick spun around, licking his ice cream with a raised brow. "I know this might be a little crazy but--" you grabbed a spare sticky note, writing something down. "Here's my number... so call me, maybe?" You said, shakily your could feel your palms getting sweaty.
Dick didn't say anything right away, as he slowly walked over to the counter. He scanned your hand that was reaching out. You were nervous for a second that he was going to reject you but your troubles washed away as he took it from your hands.
"I just might." He said with a wink. Your heart was pumping rapidly and you couldn't believe what just happened, you were already planning what you were going to tell y/bf/n later.

At home once your shift was over, you were sitting on your bed, blankly staring at your phone. Your anxiously waited for Dick to call, like he said he would. At one point, you almost lost hope. As you scrolled through TikTok, a call light up your screen. You assumed it was Dick and picked it up as quickly as you could.
"Hello?" Your voice became sweet and a bit higher pitched, hoping it was actually Dick.
"Is this y/n?" It was Dick. You nodded then realizing he couldn't see you. |
"Y-yeah it is." You didn't know what else to say, "so... you called!" You said in a joke like manner.
"Yeah." He replied, "you know, y/n, I was thinking: you really, really pretty." He admitted as you blushed, hearing him slap his forehead, "ugh, did I say that out loud?" He laughed and you giggled.
"Thanks Dicks, and if I'm being completely honest, you're pretty good looking too." You bit your lips, staring out your window.
"Hey, when are you off work?" He asked. For a second, you thought about it, checking your calendar.
"Well tomorrow I get off at 6:30." You told him and your heart sped up. Usually, when someone asks when you're free they want to hang out.
"Perfect." He exclaimed, "how about I take you to the carnival? They're only in Gotham for this week." Your smile had now gone from ear to ear. You could barely believe it.
"Yeah! That sounds great, you can pick me up from work?" You wondered.
"Of course!" He chuckled, "it's a date." Your cheeks had become rosy and you were jumping for joy. You said goodbye to Dick and as soon as you closed the line you squealed, callng y/bf/n immediately.

A/N: sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. i'll try to get a few more done tomorrow cause I'm gonna be busy all weekend and won't be able to write.
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