r. harper x reader

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q u a r i n t i n e  s u r p r i s e fluff imagine

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q u a r i n t i n e s u r p r i s e
fluff imagine

You and your fiancé, Roy were stuck in your apartment during the quarantine period. Which left you with a lot of fun things to do, most not PG13.
You had just come back from the grocery store as Roy was in the kitchen, disinfecting them, of course you had taken out one item in particular; a pregnancy test.
Your period had been late for almost a week and you didn't think it was a coincidence. You were using protection every time your did it but not even condoms are 100% effective.
Sitting on the toilet as you tapped your foot, impatiently waiting for the results. You held your breath, you really wanted to start a family with Roy but you also worried if it was the right time. Even though you were bound to get married within the year, your mind couldn't help but race.
You looked down at the test— it came out positive. You gasp, feeling like you were in a weird dream. Placing a hand over your stomach, you heard Roy knocking at the door,
"hey baby are you okay in there?" Frantically, you shoved the test into the garbage, covering it with toilet paper. You rushed to the door, opening it to see your fiancé.
"Yeah, my stomach was just hurting a little bit." You lied.
"Aw, do need to lie down? I can bring you some soup?" He said, placing a hand on your forehead, checking for a fever. You shook your head.
"No I think I just ate something bad." You tried to seem relaxed even though your heart was pounding and your head was spinning. Although, you did take up his offer to lie down, thinking about how you were going to break the news.
You could help think about what would happen if Roy didn't want a baby, would he leave you?
"Penny for your thought, honey?" He slipped into bed next to you, tracing his fingers over your arm. You sighed, "I was just thinking." You sat up and brought him with you.
"There's something we need to talk about."
He looked into your eyes, scared you had cheated on him or even wanted to call of the engagement.
"What is it?" He grabbed your hand and you instantly started feeling more scared. You bit your lip, giving him puppy eyes.
"Before I say anything, I don't want you to get mad." You breathed out, which got Roy anxious.
"I promise I won't get mad baby." He promised even though it depended on the situation. Your heart was climbing up your throat.
"I don't think we should put Oliver next to Bruce for the wedding." You couldn't bring it up. Roy's shoulder fell,
"why would I be mad about that." He laughed, bring you in for a hug.

Later that day at dinner, Roy had cooked a romantic meal for the two of you. He offered you wine but you turned it down, which he found odd.
"I'll be right back, babe." He stood up, kissing your forehead before slipping into the bathroom. It hadn't even occurred to you that he could find the pregnancy test until he came back out, holding it. His face was pale and your eyes widened.
"Babe?" His voice was shaky. You were frozen where you sat, "is this right? Are you pregnant?"
"Surprise?!" You awkwardly laughed but it was only to hide the feeling that you were about to cry.
Roy stood silent for a second before he rushed over to you, kissing you passionately which melted all your troubles away.
"I'm gonna be a dad." He said, in disbelief. "And you gonna be a mom. I love you so f*cking much!" He hugged you and you hugged him back, wiping away any tears of fear.
"We're gonna be great parents." You said with a laugh. Roy couldn't stop beaming for the rest of the night, as you talked about how you would tell your close friends and family.
The two of you fell asleep, snuggled up as you hands intertwined over your stomach.

A/N: Hey y'all! Dick Grayson x reader story coming soon, I'll let you guys know when it's out. Also what do you guys think of me adding some season 3 characters like Virgil and Brion or even Victor Stone? I'm also think about adding some like preferences, tell me what you think!

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