w. west x reader

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h a l l o w e e n  fluff imagine

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h a l l o w e e n
fluff imagine

Being on a secret superhero team should mean you're fearless, right? Wrong. Out of all the things you feared the most, ghosts and the undead topped the list. It was your night off, Artemis, Super boy and Megan were on a mission somewhere in Eastern Europe, leaving you Kid Flash and Robin with the night off.

"Thanks so much, y/n, we had such a good time!" Your friends waved goodbye as they left your house for the night. You'd invited them over to binge scary movies and munch down on candies, considering they thought they were too old for trick or treating.

"No problem! Let's hang out next weekend!" They nodded as you waved them off from your porch. Your parents (or who ever you live with <3) had gone out for the weekend as well, a retreat of their own. This, unfortunately, wasn't a good thing.

You locked the door, sighing at the thought of a dark, empty house. All you could think about was whatever could've been lurking in the dark. Shuddering, you grab one of your hero weapons, sitting down on the couch, in your basement, ready to pounce at spirit who dared enter.

Watching the late night news, the anchor went on about a string of local robberies, you were even more on edge but you knew all the doors and windows had been locked.

Although, little did you know that two of your teammates were planning something against you. Wally West and Dick Grayson chuckled as they stood right outside your house. Both dressed in zombie costumes, dedicated to their craft.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dick asked, scratching his head. In his hand he held a device that was suppose to unlock generic house locks. Wally nodded with a huge grin on his face. The boy detective was your friend and knew about 1) your massive crush on the ginger speedster and 2) your intense fear on ghosts.

"It's Halloween, Dickie! There's nothing better than pranking!" Dick rolled his eyes at the nickname only placing the device on your back door nonetheless.

"Yeah, pranks like egging someone's house... not breaking in." He rolled his eyes as it unlocked. He also held out a holographic blueprint of your house-- Wally had really asked him to go all out for a prank.

"Why are you even doing this to y/n?" The black haired boy asked, raising an eyebrow before they snuck in. A small hint of blush appeared on his cheeks before he laughed and then deadpanned.

"Because, everyone knows when girls are scared they go to guys to comfort them." Robin winced, he hated how he was stuck in the middle of all this romance drama-- with both of you too outright nervous to confess.

"You're an idiot." Dick stated as they comensed 'operation scare.'

"What was that?" You bolted up, almost about to fall asleep on your basement couch. There was a sound of a door opening, maybe even feet shuffling.

You shook your head, your just paranoid y/n. The television was still playing, now some 80s sitcom rerun was on. You rubbed your head, deciding to go to bed, after all those movies you'd watch, it was better not to go investigate.

"What the f*ck?" All the lights had gone out, all power in fact. Now, you sat in your basement in the dark. You patted down, cursing that your phone was charging in your kitchen. it must be bad weather, you tried to reassure yourself, a shiver crawling up your back.

"Ok, y/n, you can do this, you're y/sh/n after all." You spoke confident words as you tiptoed up the stairs, "you against bad guys everyday!" You held your weapons even tighter in your clutch.

In your kitchen, you reached for your phone as the landline began ringing. oh hell no, you grimaced, you prayed it wouldn't be a cliche prank call. You swiftly made your way over to the phone but before you could answer there was thump from behind you.

"Ahh!" You quickly reacted, swinging your weapons, hitting something. A body hit the floor as you continued to scream. Just as you stood there shaking, about to hit the figure a second time, the lights came back on.

Upon further inspection, you realized it was the body of Wally West laying on the ground and you quickly ran to his side to check if he was alright.

"Wally? What were you even thinking?" You giggled, wiping away your scared tears as you looked down at his face that had smudged. "You're such an idiot." Wally only groaned and you helped him sit up, you were releved his wasn't hurt.

"You hit my hand. It really hurt." He pouted with a sour face. You only laughed even harder taking his hand and kissing it slightly to his surpise.

"Feel better?" You teased his flustered state. Wally blushed and nodded.

"I think my lips hurt too." You nodded, realizing what he said. It seemed like a good opportunity, so you took it, leaning in a pecking his lips. Wally was taken a back, not expecting that type of out come.

He only smiled, cupping your face and bringing you in for one more kiss.

Who would've known that stupid plan would've actually worked, Dick thought as he observed from the shadows.

Happy Halloween! I'm so sorry for not updating any sooner but I've run out of creative juice lmao so plz plz plz request stories, I'd be happy to write them! I'm also sorry that this isn't my best work, life's been crazy recently!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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