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Rain, there's a lot more of it than just some droplets of liquid wetting the land. It explains life. Life that we all are existing rather than living.

When it rains, the sky turns dark, the surrounding becomes cold, the sound of thunderstorms ringing in our ears and a thick layer of haze enveloping around the atmosphere,  making everything in front of us plain, dull and dull, leaving us to picture the view behind it in our minds. We are very similar to this scene.

The dark sky being our emotions that haunts us to no end, those that are burried deep inside of us, emotions like anger, sadness, guilt and vengeance.  While the haze in the atmosphere being the wall we built up around us, preventing our emotions to appeal, something like wearing a plain, dull and white mask on our faces, making it look blank, leaving the others to imagine our faces based on their judgements. At time some guess our faces right or manage to burn the mask off our faces with love, nurture, and faith.

Meanwhile, the dark clouds is filled with the dark emotions is always escalating until one day they burst, filling our bodies and our inner organs such as our heart, lungs and vessels with poison. That's when the Thunderstorm appears inside of us and that is when we lose control.

We lose control in different ways, some seeking revenge, some going insane while the others simply ending themselves. It is hard to overcome these thoughts when the coldness of the surrounding envelop our bodies, blocking our rationality and letting the poison to fill us continuously.

But there is always a way to come out of it and that is when we realize THE SUN, it's rays full of joyful moments,  gratitudes and full of hope is still shining on us. And when we let the ray to penetrate through the walls we built, that's when the poison mixes with the ray forming a COLOURFUL RAINBOW, creating something powerful, courageous and passionate.

Those who have become the RAINBOW are those who are indestructible, their colors too bright that they can blind those who's poison had overflowed and are beyond help.

JUST LIKE THE WEATHER WE ARE. We have a dark sky inside of us and it is filling with poison droplets of rain. We have a series of plain, dull and pale mask on our faces, thinking all hope is gone and only waking up everyday to mark our existence along the never ending journey of our lives. Nevertheless, we all have a SUN shining it's rays at us, and only if we discovered it and let it penetrate through the walls around us, we will form a RAINBOW. A RAINBOW COLOURFUL, FEARLESS AND IMMORTAL, NEVER BEING ABLE TO FALL AGAIN YET ALWAYS RISING.

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