41. FAKE

36 14 25

I was never the one to easily trust,
But somehow you manage to win my trust,
I thought I might let you in my life,
Little did I figured it was all a lie,

You said you care about me,
And you said that you're always there for me,
Our friendship flew so high,
You knew it was my kryptonite,

You distracted me with your lips always curved
And all your fake love
I fall for your trap
Helpless from your grasp

Yet you forgot
That superheroes take all they've got
So I stood up straight
Looked into your soul as it break

You thought I'd be weak
And fall right into your grip
But this is where you wrong
I don't need you to stand strong


I don't know whether it's a poem or a song 😅. What y'all think?

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