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Am I supposed to be angry?
When everything is taken away from me?
Am I supposed to be happy?
For now I realise what I did?

I want to break all the mirrors
Crush them into pieces
Why am I doing this?
Oh, maybe because I'm sick of my ugly shit!

A reflection that is shown on a mirror
Supposed to be someone you admire
I used to see a ball of happiness
Now I see a pile of sadness

So do I have to die now
Oh no that's something cowards know
Are you calling me a coward
That might be very awkward

Let's count all my sins
You sure you want to do this?
Yes, to see the possibility
Oh dear, I'm afraid it might be infinity

Now what shall I do?
Prepare for my day of doom?
Is that the only way?
Unless, of you choose the right way

But where is the right way?
How do I know which way?
It's an honest way
With only true say

A/N : We all have been there haven't we. In the state where you get excited or overwhelmed and don't know where to go and so you somehow end up in the wrong way. When you realise it you start to crumble down with humiliation and devastation, you just feel like you want to end it yet you held on to that one thing and slowly you recovered. I was going through that particular phase when I was writing this, I thought I wouldn't make it but I did. So I dedicate this piece to those who made it this far, YOU ARE AMAZING LITERALLY and those who are still holding on, please don't let go. You will get out of it, just trust yourself and not anyone else. I love all of you.


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