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Thought everything was well
Those memories I want to tell
Was greeted by pure happiness
United with love and pureness

Just like a storm that could destroy a home
A single word left us all alone
Once a blissful family
Turned out to be so ugly

I miss the day we smiled
The moments where we hugged
Just like a magnet and wood that never attract
We were split into pieces left in different tracks

The battles we fought were always together
Now we are aiming at no one but each other
Once there was nothing but purity
Now I can only see jealousy

I don't know what happened
To the family that was made in heaven
All the affection
Turned to be poison

Standing in the middle of a broken bridge
I'm holding it together as far as I can reach
I know I won't last long
All I want is for us to get along

A/N : I just want to remind all of my lovable peeps that family is a part of us. We are nothing without them. You want to admit it or not but that's the truth. So I want y'all that if you have a perfectly happy family then please be grateful and pray to God that it must never change. Its because not everyone's family is as happy as yours. Value it long before you lose it.

With all the love

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