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Hey guys im back after being mentally dead for a while. Omg...My mom just told our dog, "ur being too aggressive with ur old age " haha. Anyways so thanks to all of you who have read this book I try to reply to people if they comment so yah. Alright let's get the next chapter up now.
Enjoy killjoys.


     We finally made it back to the house and I couldn't be more happy. I try not to show how relieved I am but I think Gerard noticed. He just glared at me and rolled his eyes before unlocking the doors.

"Alright get out," he ordered."Oh, and Frankie don't forget what I said earlier."

"Yes s-sir," I gulp.

"Good boy," he praises.

I open my door and get out and start walking to the door and realise that Gerard is still in the car. I just shrug it off happy to be away from him. I do my best to try and hide the bite mark on my neck. I walk in the door and see that fee kitchen light is still on and that there's a note on the table. The note read :

Frankie, mama went to bed so please be quiet and I'm in my room watching TV  feel free to join me since you have nothing else to do.

  After I read the note, I quietly walked up the stairs and to Mikeys room. I opened the door and found nothing but complete darkness and light snoring. It took my eyes a minute to adjust to the darkness. Wow he fell asleep already? Then I realised that we were gone for quite some time, and decided to check my phone for the time. Shit! It's already 4:00 in the fucking morning how long were we gone Jesus. I figured I should probably let Mikey know I'm here. I walked over to him and shook him a little.

"Mikes wake up," I said.

He only grumbled and rolled over so I shook him even harder.

"Come on you little shit, wake the fuck up," I whisper shouted.

"Ugh, what could you possibly want at this time?" He grumbled before realising that it was me and that I finally returned. "Oh shit it's you Frankie. And hey you're the little one here."

"Shut the fuck up," I mumbled.

Mikey laughed a little,"Calm down short stack. And are you okay did Gerard hurt you at all?"

"N-no why would he hurt me?" I lied.

"Because Frank hes a-nevermind," he cut himself off. "I'm just glad you're ok."

"Thanks....but he's a what?" I push.

"Nothing I said nevermind," he insist.

But I'm too curious to see if he trusts me so I whine, "No tell me...pleeeaaasssseeeee."

He sighed," Fine he's a vampire."

I gasped like I didn't already know," Really? Wait then does that mean your a vampire too?"

He stays quite for a minute before saying,"Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

I whine,"But I wanna know."

"Frank I'll tell you tomorrow right now we need to sleep." He changes the subject.

"Fine but do you promise?" I ask.

"Yes," he promises.

"Okay. Now where do I sleep?" I ask.

He gets up and stands next to his bed,"you can sleep with me in my bed if you want but if you do you get the wall, or you can sleep on the hard floor.Choose wisely 'cause I'm not getting up again."

The Vampire In My Best Friends Basement (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now