Week 1(Pain,Soreness,and Recovery)

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Alright bitches lets get this chapter done...sorry I'm hella hyper rn. Anyways, im excited for this!
Enjoy Killjoys
I awake to surging pain shooting through me. Groaning, I attempt to move, but feel as if I cant. Every little move I make sends pain throughout my body. Why couldn't the mating moon have started on a Monday or something? Why the start of the weekend? I look over to see Gerard still sleeping. "Gee," I whimper out. He stirs in his sleep, but doesn't wake. I try again, "Gee?"

He turns to face me, his eyes flutter open slightly, "What's wrong, Baby?"

"Hurts," I whine.

"Oh shit. I forgot about last night. Uhm, imma go get some aspirin. I'll be right back, Sugar," he pets my hair before getting out of bed and descending upstairs. When he comes back, hes holding a glass of water and two blue pills. "Here."

"Thanks," I take the water and swallow the pills.

"Its gonna take a second to kick in. The good thing about the pain is that pills are highly effective and make the pain stop for an hour or two," he walks over to his dresser and pulls out some clothes to shower. "I'm helping you shower today." I nod and lay there, waiting for the meds to kick in.

After some time the pain starts to dissolve away and im able to move again. I get up slowly, heading to the bathroom. Gerard comes in after me and helps me remove my clothes. Once all my clothes were off, Gerard takes his off and starts the shower. When the waters the right temperature, we get in. I go under the water first as Gerard doesn't really give me an option. He begins to wash my hair and body.

At the point where his hands were by my ass, I spoke my question, "What did you shove inside me last night?" Wow...that sounds weird.

"A butt plug," he answers, removing the item of which we are talking about and I groan in discomfort.

I wince at the feeling, "What was the point of it?"

"To get the mating venom to inject into your body," he gently moves his hands across the skin on my rear end.

"So then why did you have to inject venom from your teeth?" I ruffle my eyebrows.

He sighs, "Damn, you're just full of questions today. The venom from my fangs is immortality venom- venom used to change people from human to vampire."


"Yah, now let me finish washing you up," he rinses the soap from my body and begins to wash himself.

I couldn't help but to ask, "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Nothin, for the next two days, while you're recovering, we're just gonna watch movies," he explains.

"That sounds fun but boring," I complain.

"Frank don't start. Not today," he huffs, not wanting to deal with my childish attitude.

I lower my head, "Sorry."

"It's okay," his lips connect with my neck in a loving manner.

After the shower, we did exactly what Gerard had said we were going to do. We watch movies.

The next few days are rather the same, watching movies, eating popcorn and regular foods, and just small talk. It was boring in a fun way. We mainly watched horror movies and I've went through a whole bottle of aspirin! I was worried about what that would do to my body, but Gerard said to not worry. Today, though, I'm feeling much better. The excruciating pain is gone and all that is left is slight soreness.

"Hey, gee?" I shake his sleeping form. He grumbles and looks at me. "Are you awake?"

He sleepily glares at me, "I am now, thanks to you." He stretches out his limbs and sits up, heading to the bathroom.

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