I'm not going home, I live here now

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I hope y'all like the last chapter...idrk where this story's going but hey..I'm hoping it turns out good. So let's get into this chapter.
Enjoy Killjoys : )

I woke up to the feeling of someone lightly shaking me. I grumble, knitting my eyebrows together and readjust my sleeping position. I hear someone let out a small laughter and shake me with a little more force. I sigh and open my eyes, instantly regretting it. I take a minute to let my eyes adjust to the brightness of whatever room I'm in. I squint my eyes slightly looking up to see Gerard smile down at me.

"Rise and shine," he chuckles.

"Hi," I smile and stretch my legs and arms. I ended up basically, but lightly, punching Gerard in the jaw. I laugh the my own clumsiness and snuggle into him.

"No, its time to get up Pansy," Gerard starts to scratch my head. I lean into his touch like a dog seeking attention. Damn he's gonna make me fall asleep again. "Well if that's the case then I'll stop," he removes his hand from my hair. I let out a small whine, signaling for him to scratch my head again. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Please. I promise I won't fall asleep," I look at him. He nods his head and goes back to scratching my head. I let out a satisfied noise. Man this feels so good.

Soon enough though, Gerard stops scratching and moves me to where I'm straddling him. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder like a little kid. He hums in response before actually speaking,"You need to shower Pansy."

"Uh-uh.. I don't want to," I mumble. He grabs my sides and pulls me back just enough to see his face. He raises an eyebrow at me. "I want to stay right here," I pout a door cross my arms.

He plasters an amused smile across his face,"Oh really?" I nod and he continues," But just a few hours ago you didn't want to be near me"

He had a good point, but I like being treated and acting like a child, and that's exactly what Gerard gives me. He's comfortable with it and let's me be me. Plus he likes being in control and have authority over me so...why not." Yeah but I changed my mind,"I giggle.

He tosses my response around in his head for a minute before nodding in approval," Yeah, but you still need to shower." He leans down to whisper in my ear," And if you don't get up to shower right now like a big boy, imma have to do it for you." Chills ran down my spine and I let out a squeak at his words. I knew he wasn't bluffing, so quickly got up off his lap and went to the bathroom to do as instructed.

I got in the bathroom and turned the handles adjusting the warmth to get the right temperature. I sat there for a minute, letting the water heater up and watching it pour out of the faucet and down the drain. After waiting for about 2 minutes, I put my hand under the waterfall coming from the macaroni noodle, shaped pipe, and decide the water is warm enough. I pull the diverter valve up and watch the water as it stops coming from the faucet and erupts out of the shower head. I undress myself and get in, moaning at the feeling of the hot water hitting my face and running down my chest, to my thighs, then finally trailing away at my feet. I washed my body thoroughly and then my hair. I spent the last few minutes scrubbing my face and just sitting there feeling the soothing water gently hit my skin. I get out and some what dry off before wrapping the towel around my waist, exposing my tattooed torso. And no... they're not illegal, my mom signed for all of them. Then it hit me that I had no spare clothes to change into.

I walk out into the living room."Gerard?" I call out only to receive no response. I wander around the house looking for any sign of one of the Way brothers. I headed up to Mikey's room to find it vacant. I sigh and realise Mikey probably went to his boyfriends or something. Then I remember...Gerards room is in the basement. I make my way towards the one door in the hallway that, other than the bathroom and Donna's room, is too big to be a closet.

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