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OMG THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH FOR 1K READS ON THIS!!🖤🖤🖤 I can't express enough how thankful I am for all this. You guys are awesome and i am truly appreciative of it all. Ive been feeling not good enough lately and this really helped me feel better! Thanks so much!🖤 Anyways enough ranting...on with the story!
Enjoy Killjoys!
Gerards P.O.V

The rest of the stages were pretty hectic...crying one minute, laughing the next. Eating everything and complaining about weight one minute, then trying to gain weight the next. It's been very stressful, but luckily today's marks the beginning of the last stage. Thank. God.

First thing I do after waking up is use the bathroom and brush my teeth, not bothering to get dressed since I don't have work. I get back and notice Frank still sleeping. I'll just leave him there and go make breakfast. I'm hungry...for chewable food, not blood. Making my way upstairs as quiet as possible, and opening the basement door, into the kitchen. "Hmmm. What to make?" I ask myself.

"Make pancakes dick face." I jump at the sound of Mikeys voice.

"Holy shit, dude, you almost gave me a heart attack." I scold.

"Don't be a dope, your heart doesn't work. You can't have a heart attack." He reply's smartly.

I roll my eyes, "Thanks for informing me on shit I already knew Captain Obvious."

"Your welcome." He grins. "...Sooooooo pancakes?"

I huff, "Fine, but it wouldn't kill ya to help."

He scrunches his nose, "You're the guardian here, it's your job to provide us with food, not mine. Sorry."

I squint my eyes at him then give an unamused face, "Wow. Okay. I see how it is."

"Great. Imma go watch some Tokyo Ghoul." He point two fingers at me in little hand guns.(👈🏻👈🏻 this little hand motion thingy)

I shake my head and grab out the pancake mix, milk, eggs, a plate to put the pancakes on, and a pan. I get to work making the pancakes. After 20 minutes I have all the pancakes made and decide to make some bacon. I reuse the pan from the pancakes instead of wasting dishes. After the bacons done I pour three glasses of milk and go to get Frank from downstairs. When I walk through the door I see Frank sitting up, starring at me.

"Where were you?" He questions.

"In Narnia. Where else would I be?" I make a sarcastic comment. "Get up and brush your teeth."

"Okay." He obliges much to my surprise. I give him a weird look then raise my eyebrow as he walks to the bathroom. He proceeds to brush his teeth and use the bathroom. "Now what?"

"Well, I made breakfast." I say as I walk up the stairs. Strange of him to listen. "Hey Mikey the foods do-" I stop mid-sentence, because sitting in front of me is Mikey, stuffing his face with bacon and pancakes. "Hey dipshit you were suppose to wait for everyone to sit down before you fill you face."

He smile at me apologetically and says with his mouth full, "Sorry, Gee."

An amused sigh leaves my lips, "It's fine, c'mon Frankie." I see him make a disgusted face at the bacon. "I know, I know, you're vegetarian. You don't have to eat it."

Mikey pipes in, "Frankie can't be a vegetarian, he eats meat, he's gay for Christ sakes." He then laughs at his own joke.

Frank shoots back jokingly, "Oh yeah. Well at least I can get meat."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Mikey challenges.

"Nothing. I just get more meat than you do." He shrugs.

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