I climb off the counter to find Liam walking through the door first followed by Karen and Ken. I gasp when I take in Ken's face. A deep purple bruise is clear on his cheek and his bottom lip holds a small cut right down the center. I fidget with my hands, twirling the heart charm on my bracelet between my fingers.
"Hey." Max says, looking away from her father's injured face.
"Your place is so lovely." Karen smiles and the three of them stand by the door, unsure what to do.
"Come on in. You can put those by the tree." I tell Liam, gesturing to the bag of gifts in his arms.
"We brought the gifts you left at the house as well." Ken says.
The air is thick with tension, not an angry tension necessarily, but an awkward tension.
"Thank you." I smile.
Liam walks to the kitchen first, followed by Karen and Ken. Max is standing so close to me that I can practically feel her nerves shaking.
"How was the drive?" I ask, trying to start conversation.
"It wasn't too bad, I drove." Liam answers.
"Are you excited to get back to classes? I miss them, doing the work at home isn't the same." I tell him. Sometimes I forget that I am still a college student. that is until I have a ten page essay to write without being present all week. Everyone awkwardly fills their plates with food, I get the feeling that Liam and I will be doing most of the talking today.
"Yes, very. I have been bored out of my mind all winter break. So when the semester starts will you still be gone everyday? I don't want to be stuck in all my classes alone."
"No, I will be at Vance three days a week and on campus the other two. I am excited for new classes." I explain.
"Our religion professor is young, only twenty four I believe."
"Really? She must be fresh out of college." I say.
"He." Liam corrects me.
"Oh." I smile and take a bite of a cherry tomato from the vegetable tray.
"What are your other classes?" Ken asks.
"Well Liam and I are taking world religion, an American Literature class, and I am taking yoga and French alone."
"Liam you didn't want to take yoga?" Karen smiles and Liam shakes his head with a smile.
I feel Max's eyes on me and I turn to glance at her. I can't tell what she is thinking but she doesn't look happy.
"The food was excellent." Karen compliments me.
"I didn't make it, Maxxy did." I smile and place my hand on her thigh.
"Really? It was delicious Max." Karen smiles.
"Thanks." Max replies simply. She offers Karen a small smile to soften her short answer.
No one seems to know what to say so I stand up and place my empty plate in the sink before filling Max's empty glass with sweet tea.
"Thank you." She quietly says to me.
"Should we open the gifts?" Liam asks.
"Yes." Karen and I say at the same time.
Silent Max is almost as uncomfortable as irritated Max.
We walk into the living room and Max sits on the chair. Ken, Karen, and Liam sit on the couch. Just as I am about to sit on the floor Max grabs me gently and pulls me onto her lap. I feel my cheeks redden at her public display of affection and Karen tries to hide her smile.

YOU 2 [Charli D'Amelio]
Teen FictionThis is the sequel (continuation) of You. Max and Charli's relationship will be tested in ways she never expected, but max knew all along. (Charli D'Amelio GP FANFICTION ADAPTATION) All rights goes to the original author.)