Chapter 169.

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Charli's POV.

"So how is school coming along? It's been a while since you've spoken to me." My mother says as we pull into the mall.

My knee is killing me and the last thing that I want to do is walk around the mall with my mother.. no the last thing I want to do is go to the apartment and face Harry. I know what I have to do, I just don't think I'm ready to do it.

"It's okay. I just started a new semester." I tell her.

It's really strange to be having such a civil conversation with her right now but it's better than fighting.

"That's good. How are things with Max?" She asks.

"Do you want to go there?" I respond.

"No, I guess I don't. Let's just get you some new clothes." She fakes a smile and we head inside.

The entire trip is a blur and my head begins to pound by the time my mother has tried on at least ten dresses at Sak's.

"Let's go to Macy's then we will go." She says after deciding none of them are up to par.

"No." I hastily respond.

"Why not? You love Macy's."

"No.. I don't."

All I can think of is Max and I in Macy's.

"Okay..well can you wait outside while I go inside because I happen to still like Macy's." She says and I nod.

She would have me waiting outside of a store the same day I got a concussion. I take a seat on the bench outside of the store and wait for my mother. I could have just went in because I can't stop thinking about her anyway.

I will have to have my mother take me to get my clothes unless I have Liam come pick me up. I don't want Liam to think I'm using him since I am already staying at his house. This isn't a good time for me to finally stand up to max, she should have waited to cheat on me until I got my car fixed.

I laugh at my stupidity and pick at the small tear in the new jeans my mother insisted she buy me, apparently ripped and blood stained jeans aren't acceptable to walk around the mall in. I find it oddly amusing that these new jeans aren't perfect either and I picture my mothers expression as she sees the tear. Maybe it's the pain pills that have me giggle to myself.

"Charli?" A female voice says.

When I look up Rebecca is standing in front of me with a Starbucks cup in one hand and a shopping bag in the other.

"Hey." I manage a smile.

"What happened girl?" She sits next to me.

"I was in an accident. Just a fender-bender." I explain.

I hope my mother doesn't take too long.

"Wow, that really sucks."

"Yeah, I guess." I don't know what to say to her.

"They didn't have much, now I see why you no longer shop here." My mother says as she walks up to us.

"I need to go, Mark from my office just called and I need to get back. Are you ready?" She asks then notices Rebecca.

"Hi, I'm Charli's mother."

"I'm her friend Rebecca." She smiles at my mother. Friend? No.

"Oh, do you think you could give her a ride home? I really need to go and I have a two hour drive ahead of me." My mother asks Rebecca.

"No, that's.." I begin to say.

"Sure, that's fine." Rebecca smiles.

Great. This day couldn't possibly get worse.

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